Beer kit enhancement

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Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
East Lancashire
I'm going to be doing my Hoegaarden this weekend, I am going to make a 20L batch using a larger kit as a base. I notice looking at other peoples brewdays some use two 11g packets of yeast!

why use two?

What are the advantages of using two?

I have ordered two packets of Danstar Munich yeast (prepareing for a second batch of the hoegaarden) is it worth using both this batch aand ordering more on my next order?


Dan Dan
it depends on how chancy you want to take things. The yeast supplied with kits is woefully inadequate. Ideally you want to pitch ales with 1 million yeast cells per ml (and Lagers at 10 times that!!), an 11g Sachet contains just enough (barely) to hit that 1 million / ml mark. Which is why I pitch two

I use My Malty to calculate how much to use . . . sometimes if its a big beer I'll use 4 in 25L . . . and the beer ferments faster and to completion.

Looking at the viablity of some safale strains it shows that there is barely enough to ferment 5 gallons of ale in an 11g sachet . . . lagers is underpitching when doing it properly . . . it all depends on the assumption the manufacturer makes about how 'home'brewers brew. . . . and you don't want to know what the DCL MD thinks about homebrewers!
leondz said:
You might like to prod eskimobob, he managed a pretty good Hoegaarden-style beer by all accounts - Hefevescent
Cheers leondz, I don't have a AG set up built (yet, will be building one in future I thinks), I've all ready seen his post and it looks good!

Aleman said:
it depends on how chancy you want to take things. The yeast supplied with kits is woefully inadequate. Ideally you want to pitch ales with 1 million yeast cells per ml (and Lagers at 10 times that!!), an 11g Sachet contains just enough (barely) to hit that 1 million / ml mark. Which is why I pitch two

I use My Malty to calculate how much to use . . . sometimes if its a big beer I'll use 4 in 25L . . . and the beer ferments faster and to completion.

Looking at the viablity of some safale strains it shows that there is barely enough to ferment 5 gallons of ale in an 11g sachet . . . lagers is underpitching when doing it properly . . . it all depends on the assumption the manufacturer makes about how 'home'brewers brew. . . . and you don't want to know what the DCL MD thinks about homebrewers!

And thanks Aleman for that link to Mr Malty, for the OG im aiming for it states two 11.5g packs, so guess both packets will be used!

What does the DCL MD think????

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