dennisking said:
Another example of the politicians, who drink in a subsidised bar, deciding we should all pay more because a few full time **** heads get very pissed and cause aggro for everyone. Its not the old boy sitting in a pub supping a pint or two of Old Tom or Winter warmer that are throwing up and fighting in our high streets on a Friday night. They should look at the price supermarkets and even some corner shops are selling high gravity lagers, ciders and alcopops.
The problems come from the alcopop & cider brigades, & also the stella etc drinkers rather than quality real ale drinkers, although the Politicians wouldn't have a clue since they are mostly too busy supping the odd bottle of Dom perignon or the finest Brandy's and ports.
Beer is what the middle income drinkers are making a growing market, & this tax will be the death of many small Craft beer producers or may be bigger ones, I'm sure Robinson's in Stockport are doing cartwheels, being as it will be coming just in time for their busiest period for Old Tom, the Trad Drink out of the wood in most of their pubs at Xmas.
Taxing beer to death will not take away the problem, Cider will not be affected (duty on cider is nearly 1/2 what it is on beer) this will therefore become even more popular with the yobs & violent underclasses, the tax is supposed to control.
It didn't work in the 19th century when they did it then (they raised taxes on malt & gin shops opened left right and centre as a result killing thousands and destroyed families) It won't work now.
I think It will only lead to more potentially explosive unlicensed hooch factory's in small industrial units, which in turn will cause deaths & disability (blindness etc) through the unregulated alcohol that will flood the black market.
The Gov will be turning the screw on us lot next once they have destroyed Britain's licensed industry.
I also think It would be worth emailing your local MP to complain about the Duty Escalator, doing this won't change anything but it might give them something to do.