Next up in the morning is a Helles, a beer I had some success with at TST, recipe from one of Jamil's podcasts. Helles is a light malty lager balanced by a delicate hop flavour.
23L ; 74% efficiency
4630g Pilsner malt (94%)
236g Munich I (4.8%
59g Melanoidin (1.2%)
37g Hallertau Hersbrucker 4.13% AA at 60mins
mash 90mins at 66C; boil 90mins
WLP830 German Lager Yeast
OG 1049; FG 1010; ABV 5.07%; IBU (Rager) 19.1; EBC 7.7
CaCO3 to 30ppm; Ca to 150ppm with CaCl
23L ; 74% efficiency
4630g Pilsner malt (94%)
236g Munich I (4.8%
59g Melanoidin (1.2%)
37g Hallertau Hersbrucker 4.13% AA at 60mins
mash 90mins at 66C; boil 90mins
WLP830 German Lager Yeast
OG 1049; FG 1010; ABV 5.07%; IBU (Rager) 19.1; EBC 7.7
CaCO3 to 30ppm; Ca to 150ppm with CaCl