well i am getting in to this cheap ,tastier beer lark in quite a nice way
so my next questions are really about dispensing it really
ill set the scene down the bottom of my garden i have a 6x6meter workshop/games room (mainly all games room but i can move pool table over when i need to )
i woild like to make a small bar but i dont want to have to buy a beer chiller or to pay to keep a fridge going all the time so my poss plan is
could i dig a hole in the earth about 1 meter down and keep a couple of cornies in there with my beer in ,i drink beer not lager .
would this keep it chilled if the lid is insulated out of the sun light
if so what do i need other than a couple of cornies ,ie gas taps and things
sorry for the long question but as i say i am new at this
and also can i buy any beer taps from ebay or do i need a ale / bitter tap
thanks in advance
so my next questions are really about dispensing it really
ill set the scene down the bottom of my garden i have a 6x6meter workshop/games room (mainly all games room but i can move pool table over when i need to )
i woild like to make a small bar but i dont want to have to buy a beer chiller or to pay to keep a fridge going all the time so my poss plan is
could i dig a hole in the earth about 1 meter down and keep a couple of cornies in there with my beer in ,i drink beer not lager .
would this keep it chilled if the lid is insulated out of the sun light
if so what do i need other than a couple of cornies ,ie gas taps and things
sorry for the long question but as i say i am new at this
and also can i buy any beer taps from ebay or do i need a ale / bitter tap
thanks in advance