Having just bottled my pislner style lager I tried some of the remainder to see how it was. It tastes just fine except there is some bloody banana in there :evil:
How can this have happened?
It was an extract brew that was fermented using Saflager S-23, fermented at 12C fro about 14 days. Then 72 hours diacetyl reast (as there was a slight banana taste after fermentation). Then lagered at 7C for approx 2 weeks in a secondary fermenter (as I read that longer doesn't help with S-23).
I am rather dissapointed, given the method, that there is bannana in there. The only thing is that for the first 24 hours of fermentation I did not have the fridge controller so it was left on the garage, the temp should onlt have got up to around 17C though as it was a cool day.
I was hoping that the diacetyl rest would have claered up buttery/banana flavours, but seemingly not.
Is this lileky to improve over time or during the bottle carbonation?
How can this have happened?
It was an extract brew that was fermented using Saflager S-23, fermented at 12C fro about 14 days. Then 72 hours diacetyl reast (as there was a slight banana taste after fermentation). Then lagered at 7C for approx 2 weeks in a secondary fermenter (as I read that longer doesn't help with S-23).
I am rather dissapointed, given the method, that there is bannana in there. The only thing is that for the first 24 hours of fermentation I did not have the fridge controller so it was left on the garage, the temp should onlt have got up to around 17C though as it was a cool day.
I was hoping that the diacetyl rest would have claered up buttery/banana flavours, but seemingly not.
Is this lileky to improve over time or during the bottle carbonation?