Bad brew?

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Active Member
Aug 4, 2010
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I started a geordie kit on Wednesday, all looked OK the first day with a few ( that I saw ) bubbles through the airlock..

This morning I went to check the beer and lifter the lid to get a reading with the hydrometer, and the smell that came off was not a nice smell, it was a cross between rotten eggs and vinegar, I've donr a few kits years ago and I cant remember it smelling like that, more like a yeasty smell.

Do you think the beer has gone bad? and if so what could have caused it?

I think the lid on the keg may be loose as it spins round when turned, so maybe the seal wasnt good enough??

Any thoughts/ideas are welcome.

As long as you steralised everything before starting Id leave it alone till for a few more days dont open as it lets the co2 out the loose lid isnt a problem trust in the yeasties it will be fine :thumb:
It'll be fine Mick, don't go by the smell, go by how it tastes when its finished fermenting :thumb:
Thanks guys will leave it for now... se how it goes/tastes :thumb: