Been lurking for the last few days, firstly to get some ideas about what to do with a coopers lager kit and also after a bit of encouragement to fire up the HLT and get an AG on the go.
I was given a coopers tin for Xmas and it must be over two years since I did a kit. Advice would be appreciated about getting the best out of the kit.
Not fired up the HLT since April, but remember the elements limped to the finish of a 90min boil. New elements have been bought and will be fitted soon.
What really sent the message that I need to do a brew was drinking some nice bottled beers before Xmas. SNPA Tornado yum :drunk: and Punk IPA smells like my shed on brew day
Probably start back easy with a porter
Cheers Sean
I was given a coopers tin for Xmas and it must be over two years since I did a kit. Advice would be appreciated about getting the best out of the kit.
Not fired up the HLT since April, but remember the elements limped to the finish of a 90min boil. New elements have been bought and will be fitted soon.
What really sent the message that I need to do a brew was drinking some nice bottled beers before Xmas. SNPA Tornado yum :drunk: and Punk IPA smells like my shed on brew day
Probably start back easy with a porter
Cheers Sean