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Jul 16, 2009
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Been lurking for the last few days, firstly to get some ideas about what to do with a coopers lager kit and also after a bit of encouragement to fire up the HLT and get an AG on the go.

I was given a coopers tin for Xmas and it must be over two years since I did a kit. Advice would be appreciated about getting the best out of the kit.

Not fired up the HLT since April, but remember the elements limped to the finish of a 90min boil. New elements have been bought and will be fitted soon.
What really sent the message that I need to do a brew was drinking some nice bottled beers before Xmas. SNPA Tornado yum :drunk: and Punk IPA smells like my shed on brew day :D
Probably start back easy with a porter

Cheers Sean
Sean_Mc said:
Been lurking for the last few days

How can you? you've been a member since 2009.. :tongue: :lol: :lol:

Can't remember the last time I did a kit, so I'm no help... you could throw in some DME for a bit more body...go bit short on the H2O may help. :wha:
Lurkers come in all forms :tongue:

I guess the kit isn't the best and I was quite surprised opening it Xmas morning, suppose it got me thinking
I must admit I've got a tub of LME...and I'm thinking bang it in an empty bucket and see what happens?? waste not and all that. :thumb:
Buckets having a good soak in diluted thin bleach and gonna start the coopers later.

Think I'll brew this one in the dinning room, just to remind the rest of the family about brewing smells :lol:
Mrs Mc is not as keen Bob, and casted a dim view on house boils along time ago........ when the wallpaper started to lift :eek:

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