ASDA White Grape and Peach Wine

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Nov 30, 2011
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I, like probably most people on here, had a request from the other sex for a girlie drink. I decided to give the ASDA 50% High Juice White Grape and Peach a whirl. Everyone so far has said it tastes "just like white wine", well it tastes like a cross between white wine and grape juice - perfect for your casual wine drinkers, and infact people who don't actually like wine as it can be made a little less dry.

Basically its just a variation on Wurzels Orange Wine

1 bottle of ASDA White Grape and Peach, boiled for 10-15 minutes.
Add your desired amount of sugar to make it as strong/weak/sweet/dry as you see fit. I added around half a kilo to get a OG of 1.065
Allow to cool or add some cold water.
Pour into 1 gallon demijohn and top up with water.
Add yeast and nutrient
Job done.

Just as a heads up I used to make something similar - you're looking at about 13% before most yeast gives up and lets you sweeten, so add the sugar purely for strength, kill it with K-Sorbate after fermentation, then backsweeten with sugar for a sweet wine :) I used to make it mega strong, mega sweet and then mix with lemonade for instant cocktails!

Sounds good, might give it a go! :)
RobWalker said:
Just as a heads up I used to make something similar - you're looking at about 13% before most yeast gives up and lets you sweeten, so add the sugar purely for strength, kill it with K-Sorbate after fermentation, then backsweeten with sugar for a sweet wine :) I used to make it mega strong, mega sweet and then mix with lemonade for instant cocktails!

Sounds good, might give it a go! :)

Good thinking on the cocktails, I was wanting something like that for a cheap summer "help yourself to as much as you can drink" err drink.
Just need some advice, i started fermentation of the peach wine last sunday and it is still bubbling away. The reading on the hydrometer is now at 1020 after 7 days. I have been reading that it shouldnt be lefit on the sediment to long so should i move it to a new demijon or just leave it some more and then move it.
Leave it, rack too early and the sediment will be fluffy, and 7 says is too early by far, 4 weeks is normally the minimum personally, I go by the look of the sediment.
This is a cordial which contains preservative. Why not make with peach juice such as Dimes and grape juice as a WOW style. Must be better than cordial with 30% juice. And no need to boil. As for the ferment. Leave it alone and it will go down.
Thanks for the replies i thought i should just leave it well alone. I might try the peach style WOW when ive got a spare demijon, think im also going to try the WOW itself as not done that yet.
i fairly new to making wine, can i ask why are you boiling it for 15 minutes?
It gets rid of the preservatives (potassium sorbate etc) which you will find in most squashes and cordials.
Why not make with peach juice such as Dimes and grape juice as a WOW style.

I like the sound of this wine :) could you give me your recipe as I would like to do a gallon