morethanworts said:
I don't get why it would matter with 'proper' extract brewing and all grain, but not with a kit, if that's what some people are suggesting.
Firstly there is a lot of debate about whether it really is a concern or not. Indeed (and I say this with no in depth knowledge of the chemistry just the application of a bit of simple logic...) if we accept that HSA will cause oxygen to bond to "stuff", to be released as free oxygen later then what is cold-side aeration going to do when we actively force oxygen into the wort? Exactly the same. If something in the wort is available for oxidation when hot, it'll still be available for oxidation when cooler. There are no new catalysts magically appearing when hot and disappearing when cold the only factor is that rate of reaction will be higher when hot.
The mechanism for what Palmer suggests must be that O2 dissolves in hot wort then reacts with compounds in the wort. Solution of gasses in liquids is more difficult when hot is it not??
In kit brewing the aeration is usually created with the addition of the cold water - this is cooling the wort at the same time. By the time you have all the water and air in there you are down to 20 something degrees which Palmer deems pretty safe anyway - i.e. you are dissolving oxygen as it cools but cooling quickly so reducing the reaction rate as you go.
If we accept that dissolved oxygen + a high reaction rate is the problem then HSA when no-chill cubing AG or Extract wort *could* be a problem - the hot wort/oxygen mix remains hot for a long time and there are no growth phase yeasts to "mop up" any oxygen released from the previously oxidised compounds (but that makes no sense to me either, oxidation tends to be a pretty "one-way" thing)...
...I am careful with mine as it is easy for me to be so. I have a very long pipe :shock: which reaches right to the bottom of my collecting FV. I aerate later with a cordless drill and paddle mixer.
So don't go complicating things, there are many many more effective ways to get better beer from kits. :thumb: