Are Hops Evil

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
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I have after some careful research on the internet found some well rather disturbing information about our good friend the Hop, so much so it could be concidered the evil tool of 16th centuary puritans :twisted: used to curb mans desires and could be responsible for a condition blighting middle aged men.

After reading Tubthumpers post on Gruit I was lead to a book Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers. Reading the review I found this

......herbal fermentations were also highly inebriating and sexually stimulating. In reaction the protestant reformists fought for 250 years to pass laws forcing beers to use only hops as an herbal additive :eek: :eek: . And hops has unique medicinal effects - it puts the drinker to sleep and dulls sexual drive in men :eek: :eek: . In fact there is a well-known condition in England called Brewer's droop referring to the inability of men to achieve erection from too much hops ingestion.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Well I had to find out more so further trawling the internet revealed

About a quarter of impotent men have too much of a pituitary hormone called prolactin. Stress increases prolactin, but the stressed-out man who figures he will relax with a beer should know that the hops (a plant used to flavor beer) in beer slightly increases prolactin, as well as increasing estrogen.

:eek: :eek:

It gets worse :eek: :eek:

This in turn makes testosterone levels drop. In fact, hops may be part of the reason why heavy beer drinkers often experience hormonal shifts and develop enlarged bellies and breasts.

Now brewers droop is one thing but Man Boobs are the result of Hops? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Now should we all be looking at cutting down on Hops and looking at other herbs or Just take it like a man forgive the humble hop and man up to brewers droop and Man Boobs.

PS perhaps this is why John Smiths and the like only have a whiff of hops.

Happy Drinking tonight,

:twisted: :twisted:
I'm a married man so Brewers Droop doesn't affect me ;)

Moobs and a belly though . . . that is a worry . . . better start work on a bud lite clone then :sick:
Didn't want to alarm anyone but I did felt that it was my duty to warn others.

Aleman said:
I'm a married man so Brewers Droop doesn't affect me ;)

Moobs and a belly though . . . that is a worry . . . better start work on a bud lite clone then :sick:

Turbo Cider or WOW would solve the problem though so all is not lost.
graysalchemy said:
Aleman said:
I'm a married man so Brewers Droop doesn't affect me ;)

Moobs and a belly though . . . that is a worry . . . better start work on a bud lite clone then :sick:

Turbo Cider or WOW would solve the problem though so all is not lost.
Oohhh! Fruit based drink for the ladies ;)
Aleman said:
graysalchemy said:
Aleman said:
I'm a married man so Brewers Droop doesn't affect me ;)

Moobs and a belly though . . . that is a worry . . . better start work on a bud lite clone then :sick:

Turbo Cider or WOW would solve the problem though so all is not lost.
Oohhh! Fruit based drink for the ladies ;)

What are you going to change your name to :hmm: :hmm:

Fruit based drink for the ladies man.
I knew it!!! No wonder my Mrs drinks hoppy ales!! And she's been moaning that the funbags are growing, Not that i'm moaning about that :whistle:
Good job I like me stouts and porters :grin:
just use some herbs in the brew instead

the hop took over at the same time as the refermation and it was the church held the right to sell gruit that caused to hop to take over

and all the aruments about hops being antibactirial and save the beer going off are bunkum as all the herbs used in the past were also
just look up the uses for yarrow and you will get an idea
the sacred brews book will put you on a healing path and some of the brew look like they do wonders too
but with all things written you have to make your won mind up and not take everything at face value,
I am going to test the gruit in the futur as I can only get 2 of the ingreddients without growing them myself ( which I plan to do )

so bog myrtal
wild rosemany
are the gruit herbs of old

but you can use nearly everything to bitter and protect

ground elder is well worth a try as it is found nearly everywhere

so maybee we could try a forum brew with no hops and see what comes up
Looks like I will have to carry on wearing a cross your heart bra and a corset then! :shock:

I'm not giving up hoppy beer.

And I Think it might be an idea to pre treat the water with a Viagra rather than a campden from now on though.

unclepumble said:
And I Think it might be an idea to pre treat the water with a Viagra rather than a campden from now on though.


:rofl: :rofl:
tubthumper said:
training bra maybee or just lay off the hops and hope it goes away

They may not go away and left untreated for 2 yrs the tissue hardens leaving only liposuction or surgery as an option :eek: :eek:

I think I opened a can of worms here and I apologise to all. As my dad would say there is nothing you can eat drink or do without damaging your health. So on that note eat drink and be merry.


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