OK i'm thinking of kegging a wheat beer but want it to be served cloudy (I assume it will clear in the keg).
Instructions from Schneider Weisse say to store the keg upside down until needed for use, however they also state that it should be used within 3 days otherwise use bottles. It would normally take me a few weeks to finish a keg, will it be safe in the corny and disconnecting every few days for 24 hours on it's head? The 3 days may be down to Schneider Weisse treating it in a fashion like real ale? Link to Schneider Weisse PDF
Dose anyone have experience of this?
Instructions from Schneider Weisse say to store the keg upside down until needed for use, however they also state that it should be used within 3 days otherwise use bottles. It would normally take me a few weeks to finish a keg, will it be safe in the corny and disconnecting every few days for 24 hours on it's head? The 3 days may be down to Schneider Weisse treating it in a fashion like real ale? Link to Schneider Weisse PDF
Dose anyone have experience of this?