Anyone got and able to scan/share a page of brewing calcs?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
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Lancaster, UK
This may seem a slightly odd request but does anyone have a page of notes and calculations for brewing (ideally with stepped infusion mash but that might be a bit too much of an ask!) which are handwritten - you know from before you found the calculators on this site, which they;d be able and willing to scan and share?

I'm being slack but wanted to show the complexity of calculations by hand compared to what caluclators or phone apps do for you - however I've only ever used mobile apps and my bro-in-law's sheets of calculations are lost.

It's for an assignment so would also need permisison to re-use. Hoping someone's kept an extensive brew journal filled with acluclations that they;d be happy to share!
Damn I always did, and still do, my calcs on bits of scrap.
Don't bother with things like Beer Smith, Pro Mash etc.
Only just started doing stepped mashes (HERMS) so still learning the timings.
If I can help, I will only be too glad.

I've an idea that you may mean decoction mashing.
Being the technology dunce that I am, I spent the first few years doing everything the old school way. I have a written journal with every single brew I've done in it. (I still fill it in despite doing all the formulations on the computer) The only calculation I was using up until computers and the internet were invented was for EBU's. I'd be quite happy to share with you... :geek:
Chapter 14 of New Brewing Lager Beer has several pages of the calculations . . . In US units unfortunately. . . . I'll try and post some pics a bit later

Designing great beers has a load of calculations as well

Glen Tinseths Hop Page has the Tinseth formula explained ;)
And I am sure your new book will have loads of pages devoted to the subject. :hmm: :hmm:

When is the book coming out Aleman I keep asking for it for Christmas and Birthdays but its still not out. :lol: :lol:
Not as good as swazi's stuff but more immediate...There is a strike water calc in a word doc and a spreadsheet with the same calc shared with you on google docs.
Aleman said:
Chapter 14 of New Brewing Lager Beer has several pages of the calculations

Juts out of interest, how are you finding New Brewing Lager?
I recently ordered this from Amazon because the reviews sounded good but haven't had a chance to give it a read yet...
Sparge Pervert said:
Aleman said:
Chapter 14 of New Brewing Lager Beer has several pages of the calculations
Juts out of interest, how are you finding New Brewing Lager?
It just sits there on my brewing shelf :whistle: :whistle:

It is a great book . . . perhaps dated as it was originally written in 1986. It covers the Decoction mash process in detail explaining why you need to do one, as well as what each step does . . . It then fails to point out that with today's modern malts there is no need to do one at all apart from the empirical exercise. (In fact Greg Noonan has said to me that he rarely decoction mashes any more and when he does it is nothing more than a thin decoction to raise to mash out temperatures). It is a good read and covers the brewing process reasonably well.
Wow - thanks all for all the comments and help here!

Swazi - will PM you my email addy if you could mail a scan of a page? Evanvine: will pm you as well, if you'd be able to scan and email that'd be great.

I've got 'new brewing lager beer' which i found a really interesting and highly technical read. And then Aleman said 'just stick in a bit of melanoidin malt - job done'. It's not an easy read but it really gave me a grounding in the complexities and technicalities of brewing. Well written as well.
Kept a record of every brew since no.1 in 1978. Just looked at the back of book dated September 1978 to April 1981 and the last 5 or 6 pages are full of calculations, mainly multiplications and long divisions. Only problem is I'm finding it hard to remember what they were for, to many beers have passed my lips since. It was early days of brewing and think I was trying to get my head around it all. Some of it is in my handwriting, some my wife's' who's maths is better than mine and some my father in law who is a chemist and at the time was working in the cereal industry and was a leading expert in grain who's help I seeked. Trouble is my scanner/printer is broke at the moment but working on it.
Anyone who made a generous offer here been able to get their scanner working yet? Or up for photocopying and posting? The calcs pages in Noonan are v. good and may just use some of those equations or some from Palmer or even work through a load but still trying to follow the path of outsourcing that effort to someone who's done it already!
The only formula that I tend to use manually is for calculating the final ABV:

((OG x 1000) - (FG x 1000)) ÷ 7.45
Thanks loads to Swazi for sending some pages through and also to others here for pointers to other sources of calculations.

Colour... abv... IBUs... mash and sparge volumes and temps... plenty of maths!

Cheers all - saves a LOT of words which is important with a word count!


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