Anyone got a clone of Bank's Bitter?

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Active Member
Sep 10, 2010
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:hmm: I've only been brewing for a short while and while I started with kits I've progressed to malt extract and steeping grains. I've a couple of recipies I like and would like to have some more. I've just bought some Bank's bitter in a bottle for the first time and really like it. :drink: The label on the bottle says it contains Fuggles and Goldings. I guess it uses amber malt too. Has anyone got a recipe that I could use to make similar beer to Bank's bitter please?
if im not mistaken "banks bitter" isnt really real ale as such, its mainstream bitter so along the same lines as john smiths, carling and carlsberg

because it isnt a traditional ale as such there potentially are lots of extra additives put into it to give it the artificial flavour.

Someone may have a recipe but i doubt it will be exactly like banks bitter
foxhound said:
I've just bought some Bank's bitter in a bottle for the first time and really like it. ...(snip)... Has anyone got a recipe that I could use to make similar beer to Bank's bitter please?
Sorry, but I have a reputation to live down to as a pedantic little pillock :whistle:
While I applaud your use of a capital letter and an apostrophe, as a Midlander I should point out that it's actually Banks's.

Graham Wheeler publishes a Banks's clone in his “Brew your own British Real Ale” (3rd edition).

As I have recently discovered that you can't copyright a list of ingredients, only the wording of the method, the extract version for 23 litres is 2880g of malt extract syrup or 2480g DME, 57g Fuggles for 90 mins and 19g Goldings for the last 10 mins.
Whey hey, that's great and quick too. Thanks for that, I'll try it! In the meantime I'll have a beer..... cheers :cheers:

Oh and I'll be looking to buy the book too, thanks for the tips.
Yep that's true........ that's where I bought the bottle and really liked it! :roll: Appreciate the tip anyway, ta.