Anyone else having a crappy day?

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Mar 24, 2012
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Barry, South Wales, UK
Got to work today after a weekend staying with my mother-in-law, only managed to spend 1 night with the wife due to my 3 year old son being ill and getting the bed space so I got the sofa, she stayed away with her step mother for company as her dad died last weekend (the wife was meant to be back last night and then going back to her step mother this eve) so no sharing a bed last night either, I always sleep badly on my own :( I start getting greif from my manager about stuff that happened around christmas last year that I did because I was following her instructions, got dragged in with the MD just before lunch and I am now suspended without pay until next monday as of lunch time today, they even had the cheek to phone me this afternoon to sort out the MD's laptop!!

may end well though, I have an interview tomorrow at 10.00 wish me luck!
Good luck

I hope you offered suitable advice towards the MD's laptop..... :twisted: :twisted:
well when the ring and say come back into work... ring in sick for 3 days.... :twisted:
I start getting greif from my manager about stuff that happened around christmas last year that I did because I was following her instructions, got dragged in with the MD just before lunch and I am now suspended without pay until next monday as of lunch time today,

What the hell! didn't you explain about "her instructions"?
Without pay!!! WTF! what hell sort of company is this?
Are you in a union?

She sounds a dream to work for, seriously mate get out now and sue the bar stewards for unfair dismissal !

Good luck with interview I really hope you can stick to these miserable ***********!!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil:
Baldbrewer said:
What the hell! didn't you explain about "her instructions"?
They were verbal so its her word against mine...

Baldbrewer said:
Without pay!!! WTF! what hell sort of company is this?
Not naming and shaming

Baldbrewer said:
Are you in a union?

Baldbrewer said:
She sounds a dream to work for
Oh she really is

BigYin said:
Of course you are obliged to tell the cops about all the kiddy p0rn you found on the MD's laptop...
There are plenty of real things that the police would be interested, there are several cases in process at the moment, not going to add any more fuel to those fires as there are good people there and even a crap job is better than no job...

Got to admit, I am rather nervous, not had an interview for quite some time...
Take it as it comes, relax and remember to talk slower than you would to your family/friends.

It is just a sales pitch and you are the product. Take a good look at the product, emphasis on the good points, gloss on the not so good ;)

Good luck :thumb:
Good luck today mate.
If it's any concelation at my last company i worked for if you got suspended off pay you kept your job as that was the punishment.
If you were suspended on pay it was good by.

Fingers crossed for you ;)
Good luck with the interview. If you get it I would write a letter to the MD stating that the "problems" were caused by the direct instructions of your line manager. Since they were verbal you have no way of proving that but you have sufficient respect for whoever it is that will take over your role that you feel he needs to be aware. Clearly similar cock-ups could/will occur if they fail to deal with the source of the issues and other people will be unfairly blamed.
Interview went well, got a call from work while I was there (glad I left the phone in the car...) so I am back in hell waiting for the call to say I have the job (hopefully)

There are several people joining the company that I think will cover my role if I leave, they are my managers partner & one of her mates, good luck to them...

No brew day tomorrow now though :(
Document everything.

Do you have a company handbook / contract?

It sounds like they may be looking to get rid, in order to give your work to the partner and mate.

If so, and they haven't followed procedure you win the dismissal case.

I hope you getthe job you went for, if so just walk away, causing **** will follow you :(
Still waiting to hear, the guy said today or tomorrow, way kinda hoping it would be today :nono:

Already prepared a resignation letter (never had to do one before) if I dont get this job I will get one eventually.

Dont think I am being pushed out yet, but the partner and mate will definately have to cover my work when I leave & then lets see how close they are...