Any tips on increased brew lengths

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Jul 16, 2009
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Title says it all really :grin:

Just going to double up tomorrow and do a 50ltr pale, bit of crystal, hops will be goldings for bittering and cascade or bobek.. not made my mind up yet.
I'm just going to double up the grain and hops, right?

Might pop down to one of the DIY sheds and look for a plastic gardening trowel to shovel out the spent grains, also will have a look at the BBQ implements, as the plastic spoon is too wibbly for stirring the mash.

Cheers Sean
don't try lifting any pots use a pump to move liquids.

will take longer to heat and cool

twice as much beer for same effort :cheers:
I got once of those solar pumps Prolix and some tubing off Vossy.

I'll have to see how my chiller handles 50ltrs
Like prolix says pumps and extra time need to be allowed for.

Doubling or trebling the recipe amounts is right.

I use promash and just alter the brewlength it alters the rest for me, without any head scratching, I have upped a few 23l recipes to 150ltrs very succesfully, using promash.

Maybe for next Christmas :thumb:

I'm only after 2 100ltr stockpots, 4 elements and ball-valves and bits, gas management board, more cornies and planning to upgrade to HERMS.....I'll get there
What I'm finding so far :)

Firstly thought I'd do a 69ltr brew length. wahay :D ......three cornies and a good few bottle
Copper central heating boiler is okay.
Seriously need a rethink about the the took about 30min to get to pitching point.
Forgetting the hop strainer on 25ltrs is okay, on 60ltrs its bloody time consuming...I'm on about 15ltrs so far and its trickling out, I may be here til midnight.
Lastly, don't start brewing at 5pm in a cold shed unless you've got a good whiskey to keep you warm....I don't
Firstly thought I'd do a 69ltr brew length. wahay :D ......three cornies and a good few bottle
Forgetting the hop strainer on 25ltrs is okay, on 60ltrs its bloody time consuming...I'm on about 15ltrs so far and its trickling out, I may be here til midnight.
Doh :roll:
Lastly, don't start brewing at 5pm in a cold shed unless you've got a good whiskey to keep you warm....I don't
:lol: :drink:
All done and dusted by 11.45pm.

I threw this in


Attached to Vossy's tubing and sucked for a syphon :D

Really impressed with my spiny sparge arm

It was overkill on smaller brews, but came into its own tonight.

80ltr tun held temp pretty good, I lost 1/2 degree over 90mins, I was going to put foil on top of the mash but it was okay without

Don't need to brew now for a good few weeks now is the only downside :eek:

I'll do a pic post next brew, what that'll be I've no idea yet, tonight's was going to be a pale, but the dark malts called to me, so ended up with a dark bitter/brown ale, bittered with northdown EKG, bobek and bobek again at the rest. Notty seemed a good choice of yeast.