Any decent HBS in Kent?

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New Member
Oct 31, 2011
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We used to have a reasonable one in Chatham, but it closed down. Any suggestions?
Brew In at Tonge Mill in Sittingbourne is very good, but only open three days a week.

The Faversham one is basic but, as it's just down the road from me and I'm a bit basic too, I've been giving them my custom. If people use them, they might be able to get more stock and expand the range a bit.
The one in Maidstone is still there and very well stocked with erm....pretty much everything you're likely to need. They're at
53 Hardy Street, Maidstone
As such a recent home brewer I've got no experience of what a Shop could or should stock, but I've been using the guy in Faversham
for all of my supplies thus far. There's a lot of different beer kits in there now. Brewferm ; Coopers ; Brewpack etc. He now stocks stuff for all grain, which is a bit beyond me yet dot dot dot

There've always been others in there when we've been in on the weekend, so hopefully he's busy enough to k.b.o. The stuff is more expensive than I've seen online but priced for postage there's not been much in it. Plus, his 750ml bottles were cheaper than the online stores I tried.
Speak to Colin at Faversham Home Brew, I am now supplying him with hops and grain and I know that he is keen to add to the all grain side.

