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Active Member
Nov 20, 2012
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Not sure if this is the right place but i have done some programming before for android. Would anyone be interested in an android app rather than needing a pc running windows?

It wont be as indepth but it could have a recipe book, guides, and basic maths for your brews. (Other ideas welcome)
Im just throwing this out there if there is a bit of interest i will work on it as a side project
There are a few android recipe planners if that's what you are planning. Most are pretty decent but for me its the screen size which is the pain.

If you could do an app, plus a windows and linux program which sync'd the recipe's and equipment settings from the computer to the handheld then that might be very handy for brewdays.

Pop in some brew day instructions, timers and reminders and bobs your uncle
I will see what i can knock out. And the windows/linux syncing is a great idea.
i would definitely use it. Being able to browse HBF at work would be great plus would use it for brew days. I dont like having my laptop in the kitchen near so many things that can break it :thumb:
I think mobile phones have big enough screens now to be able to browse the forums on adequately. It would be useful to be able to log on and check your pm's as well. Funny I was just searching the android store for a THBF app!
You can browse the forums with tapatalk app (im using it now)
mcscruff said:
You can browse the forums with tapatalk app (im using it now)

I love Tapatalk! I'm on 5 forums (3 are to do with a business), keeps me logged onto all of them, tells me when I have PMs, shows all the new posts since my last visit. One of my all time favourite apps!