Active Member
I am on a day 7 with coopers australian lager in the fv. Due to fermentation in a slightly higher temperature (23-24*C) it finished visible fermentation in some 3 days (by that I mean the krausen has fallen and I could only see a very tiny bubbles working their way up the FV) I removed the krausen collar and let it continue ) The colour of the wort was a lovely gold but so dense (cloudy?) you couldn't see more than a 5mm into it. On day five I checked the gravity and it was 1.013 (it is the same gravity now that I checked it on days 6 and 7)The colour has changed to dark amber (you could call it brown even)and a lot clearer than it was on day 3-4. I can see through it (looking from the side of the FV I can see the chunks of clamped up yeast falling down in the centre of the FV )Its clearing from the top down so atm the clear 'layer' is about 2inch and the rest goes cloudier the lower you look.On the surface I can see remnants of the foam that is disappearing slowly with and occasional 'island' of yeast that is breaking apart (albeit very slowly) and falling in flakes to the bottom of the fermenter. Most of the surface is clear now with just a little foam in places and those 'islands of yeast' . Question is: is it normal for a finished beer? I am a little worried that the fermenter lost its pressure (before when I prised the lid gently I could feel some suction from the inside , but now is completely loose, and I am worried that the air can get in and spoil the beer before all the gunk dissipates, or is it normal for some of the gunk remain on top and I am ok to bottle?. Or should I wait a bit longer to let everything fall to the bottom and the surface to be completely free of foam etc? Sorry for daft questions but having nothing but my other batch to compare it to (the other one was fermented in a diffferent type of fermenter so I cant tell exactly how it behaved before bottling and just followed instructions on the kit) I am looking for some reassurance from you learned brewers. Anyone please?Would be greatful for any tips and advise.
(just for the record OG (temperature adj) was 1.040 and my final gravity over the last three days is 1.013)
Thank you
(just for the record OG (temperature adj) was 1.040 and my final gravity over the last three days is 1.013)
Thank you