Airlock Bubbles

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Mar 2, 2013
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nr. Scarbados
Just a quickie, if I may...

If the SG is not perceptibly moving any more (over 3 days) and is within an expected FG range, do you still wait for airlock bubbles to completely stop before racking?

I read something about gas being given off even after the yeast have stopped...
I'd go by the hydrometer and ignore the airlock. As you say, bubbles could be coming from dissolved CO2. Even if it is still fermenting it is very slow so has effectively finished.
There is still activity after fermentation has stopped or you have a stable fg.Beer yeast will clean up after themselves metabolising some of the unwanted products produced in the growth phase at the beginning diacetyl being the main one. It is best to keep the beer at fermentation temps for a few days before transferring somewhere cool for clearing and if you are going to do it transferring to a secondary.

rpt said:
If the gravity is stable for 3 days then will the yeast have cleared up by then? That's always been my assumption.

Probably I tend to know by activity of the beer when It has finished then give it 3 more days so we are probably singing from the same hymn sheet there. :thumb:

If you have been brewing at lower temps it is worth pushing the temp up to 21c a day or so before you reach the fg so as the yeast are still active and continue with the diacetyl rest. :thumb: :thumb:
It's a Wherry kit (pitched with extra Gervin ale yeast) that's been at 20C throughout. OG 1.044, down to 1.015/16 in 3.5 days, 1.013/14 in 6 days. It's day 7 now and I'm waiting to make sure the SG is stable. Still being kept at 20C for now.
There are no real hard and fadst rules about howlong it should take. I have a bitter which is still in the FV with a krausan on after 2 weeks though Fg has been stable for 3 days. I plan to drop it to a secondary dry hop and put somewhere cool before hopefully before bottling at the end of next week. :thumb: