AG5 Far Far Away IPA

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Mar 24, 2016
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So currently mashing my 5th BIAB. An American style IPA using Amarillo and Galaxy Hops. The name is homage to the Star Wars Intro...

Brewer's Friend Statistics:
OG 1.057 FG1.013
ABV 5.83% IBU 65.21

Volume: 10l (fv)

Grain List:
2.25kg Maris Otter
150g Munich

Mash 65°C in 7.2l of water
Batch Sparge 80°C in 5.3l of water

Hop List:
5g Galaxy 60 mins
10g Amarillo 20 mins
10g Galaxy 20 mins
15 Amarillo 5 mins
15g Galaxy 5 mins
25g Amarillo dry hop 5 days
20g Galaxy dry hop 5 days

yeast: Mangrove Jack's US West Coast Yeast, pitch at 20°C.

This is my first recipe so I hope it goes well!
Galaxy and amarillo sounds like a match made in heaven, this'll be great :thumb:

I did read elsewhere on this forum that those two hops work really well together, that's why I chose might actually have been you that said it...
Quick update to this:

I pitched at 8:30pm on Friday 07/10/2016. It took a while for any activity, which surprised me, normally by the morning after the airlock is bubbling away and the krausen has formed.

There wasn't any of that until the afternoon of Sunday 09/10/2016...when the airlock began to bubble vigorously and a krausen formed. It was still bubbling away when I left the house this morning, so things are looking good.

The OG was 1.053, which gives an efficiency of 70% according to brewer's friend.
Another update.

I took a gravity reading on Monday of have an ABV of around 5.5%. After that I dry hopped the beer.

Last night I added finings to the beer. I've never done this before, so I'll be interested to see what difference it makes, if any.

I intend to bottle the beer on Friday night.
Update: having a couple of these tonight.

Without being big headed, it's absolutely superb...the bitterness and orange flavours is a delightful...

...I am really happy I started this hoppy, wooops I mean hobby

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