AG1 pre test problems

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
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Ok, I thought I was all reay for blast off tomorrow AG1 but I haave run into 2 problems pre testing. I have a 27 lilter cooler mash tun with fitted ball valve tap. Needed to check for leaks. So I boiled 2 kettle of water and chucked it in took a reading of 82 degs. Closed a lid and wrapped a towel round it and left for 90 mins. Came back and open it, took a reading. 52 degrees. Quite a drop. Ok so it was only 2 kettlefulls of water so would more water keep the temp better or have a problem? Next problems is my bought chiller. I have mixer taps. So the hose attacment dosent fit. I bought a "hoselock" adapter but sadly it just dosent work when you attach the chiller the water just shoots out all over the place. So maybe ag1 isnt going to happen tomorrow as planned ...
Your mash will hold temp much much much better than a kettle test.

Re the chiller - outside tap and a long hose?
Like Wez says with the mash temp.
3 other tips to help hold temperature.
Cover the grist with tinfoil, wrap your mash tun up in an old sleeping bag / duvet / bubblewrap and when you get time put some insulation in the lid
Thanks for offering help guys. Dont really understand what you mean re tin foil. At what point cover the grist?
I personally never cover grist with foil however he means as soon as you have doughed in i stand my MT on some polystyrene sheets and also put 1 on top weighted down with a couple of bricks . You will find the temp loss will be a lot less when you add grains as for the tap think the outside tap is the option unless the mixer 1 can be sorted :thumb:
PS good luck with the 1st of many :cheers:
AG1 Summer lightning is on ! Mashed in at 66.3 degs 30 mins into mash....
Things went pretty well overall. MT worked perfectly. Managed to stuff a hose into my bathroom tap and flop it down over the conservatory to the chiller to bring temp down. Buffalo boiler stuggled to do a continuous boil for a while, need to look into that. Ended up at 1048 which was a shock as the earlier readings were confusing due to temp effects on the hydrometer. I think 1066 at 60degs 1st runnings then 1028 pre boil. No idea what those readings are when adjusted. Was a bit gutted to find that that I had be short changed on the hops in the provided recepie bag I bought leaving no aroma hops, so they didnt go in....So hopefuly the beer will taste good but just dont sniff it...
Well done, jampot.

The old hydrometer readings tend to be very confusing until you get used to them - nowadays I just don't bother until I've got it down to pitching temperature. The indicated strength of the wort I tend to look upon as nothing more than confirmation that I didn't screw up more than normal. If the iodine test indicates that I've converted the starch then I start the sparge, and when I've got my predicted volume I stop. Boil, chill, pitch.

I've only been on the dark side a few months but already I've found methods I'm comfortable with.