AG Set Up

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Oct 15, 2012
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Well having got my first 3 kits in the fermenter and on the go, i really want to get into AG brewing without even tasting the kit beer.

I need to think of things for xmas presents so thought that getting a decent set up in AG is the ideal prezzie.

I am thinking along the following lines


Stock Pot

Any comments gratefully received :D
why not build your own you will save your self a big heap of money its easy if you need any pics i can up load yes :thumb:

things to think about gas or 240v
hlt for water
pid unit for setting water temp
boiler diy
mash tun diy

just a few things to think about
As taz says... doing a bit of build-your-own can save a lot of money!

My current spend is less than that tun alone and I've got a 70l pot (now with tap - Thanks Rob!!), 50l shiny thermo for a mashtun, grain bags for interim BIAB brewing while I build up the rest.

For the price of them both I'll be set with shiny tun with false bottom and bottom drain, boiler with hopstopper, and probably the bits to build a counterflow chiller to boot! If you went with smaller pots you could probably get all that and a gas burner for the same money...

...but then if you don't fancy the DIY...
here is just 2 of my items you see wot it cost me not a lot also when you start building your a/g gear think a little bit bigger then you dont have to up grade later like i did :thumb:

ie 60 ltr bin home brew shop 28 squid +bits like tap + tesco elements


my mash tun 12 squid of ebay


for mash tun to keep it warm ... IDNOTFOUND
Hmm - now that is very interesting.

So i can buy a simple bucket like the one above, slap in a couple of heater elements, rewire and can boil my wort without melting the bucket??

To be honest if i could do it like that it would be better as i would be based in the garage rather than the kitchen and SWMBO would be very happy!!

If i buy a 30l coolbox can someone please help me with false bottoms taps etc?
where are you in uk ???????

mattrickl06 said:
Hmm - now that is very interesting.

So i can buy a simple bucket like the one above, slap in a couple of heater elements, rewire and can boil my wort without melting the bucket??

To be honest if i could do it like that it would be better as i would be based in the garage rather than the kitchen and SWMBO would be very happy!!

If i buy a 30l coolbox can someone please help me with false bottoms taps etc?
:pray: Sorry to hijack the thread but... how do you get on with a long length of stainless steel braid for a hop filter as shown above? I've a short length and I keep getting stuck when filling the fermenter.
all they are like a washing machine pipe thing with steel braid on outside got mine off car boot or have a look on ebay :thumb:

Hobbins said:
:pray: Sorry to hijack the thread but... how do you get on with a long length of stainless steel braid for a hop filter as shown above? I've a short length and I keep getting stuck when filling the fermenter.
tazuk said:
where are you in uk ???????

mattrickl06 said:
Hmm - now that is very interesting.

So i can buy a simple bucket like the one above, slap in a couple of heater elements, rewire and can boil my wort without melting the bucket??

To be honest if i could do it like that it would be better as i would be based in the garage rather than the kitchen and SWMBO would be very happy!!

If i buy a 30l coolbox can someone please help me with false bottoms taps etc?

Defo on the home build. I built everything from scratch using only the how to guides on this forum, even writing a few of my own on the way.
Tbh I enjoy tinkering with the brewery as much as I enjoy brewing.

Lots of people here who will answer any questions if you fancy trying your own build :-D
It must be my age. I do enjoy brewing and messing around in the brewery...ok garage.
Putting shelves up moving things from A to B one day and then B to A the next... :D collecting bottle clearing them stacking them its all part of the great home brew world.
Personally the beer produced is an extra... I know it sounds a little weird but I am as impatient as the next man waiting for a brew to come " online " but I invariably have a taste think to myself..yep needs another 2 weeks and taste again later. Meanwhile get another brew on.
The only thing I cannot manage is electrics I am the type that closes his eyes when switching on a light after having changed the bulb ! I've been blown off my stepladder into the Christmas tree repairing wiring... I've had numerous....tingles... so I have decided never again, electricity is for experts I'm afraid.
I am with you on that, beer brewing and tinkering sure go hand in hand.

I have not even tasted a single drop of any finished beer i have made yet but still want to get more brews on the go and expand my brewery etc, etc,

I would probably carry on brewing the stuff even if it tastes like crap just because i love the whole fiddly, diddly, piddly nature of it all :lol: :lol: