AG#9 - Double Dragon

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Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
Based on the Felinfoel Double Dragon recipe from Graham Wheeler.

Taking his percentages and scaling up for the grain I've got would give 600g Terrified Wheat and 90g Black malt, I've reduced the wheat and I think he only uses Black for colour, so I've bent that bit too.

Brew Length: 44 litres
Desired OG: 1,040-ish

6000g Pale malt
400g Torrified Wheat
220g Crystal malt
100g Chocolate malt
100g Caramalt
560g Sugar ??? - I'll see what the mash yields first

17 litres at 77°C, mash temp. 66°C, mash on 07:30

40g Challenger, 7.0%, 90 mins
20g Bramling Cross, 6.0%, 90 mins
15g East Kent Goldings, 6.8%, 90 mins

25g East Kent Goldings, 6.8%, 15 mins
Returned to boiler, 40 litres at 1.043 :thumb:

I could probably have sparged a drop more, it was still correcting to 1.014 when I quit and drained, but I'll get it up to the boil now, add some more spare liquor and see what I end up with.
“Brew your own British Real Ale”, 3rd edition.

It's up to the boil now, first hops have just gone in and it's looking and smelling great.
Maybe, but don't hold your breath. I've taken one of a bucket of grain and one of (by my standards) rather a lot of hops, and I suppose I could take one of my boiler with more in it than there has ever been before, but otherwise every brewday looks pretty much the same.
Just to wrap this up, I hit my mark dead on.

Added a couple of litres to the boil. With evaporation, loss to hops and dead space I ended up with 35 litres at 1.052, liquored back to 43 litres at 1.042

As previous brew, two standard FVs, 21.5 litres in each, one with S-04 and one with Gervin English Ale Yeast. Both ferments are off and running.
Yes, I did add the sugar according to the recipe, but 550g in 43 litres, that's only something like 12g/litre, so that's given me the odd two gravity points. I could probably have sparged a couple of litres more and done away with the sugar.
I`ve also "tweeked" this recipe a lot, using the recipe for 25lt in a 23lt batch gives it a bit of balls
A bit late, but here are some pics.

The grain:

First hops:

The boil, plus second hops:

The cooler set-up:

The run-offf:

The wort:

The whizzer:

Things certainly happen a bit faster when the weather warms up, even though my fermenting corner is a few degrees cooler than other parts of the house and has probably been quite consistently in the 20-22°C range.

I checked the buckets on Tuesday night, that's heading towards 80 hours. The Gervin bucket still had a bit of a head but the S-04 showed no signs of activity. I lobbed in a hydrometer and it sank to around 1.010

Obviously, they've both finished now, but I will leave them a few more days before I bottle and keg.
Well it just shows it's good to read everything. Ashamed to admit, I hadn't thought of using an electrical whisk to aerate the wort. I assume that's what it was for. Will take that one on board... better late than never!
Dragon Tales said:
I hadn't thought of using an electrical whisk to aerate the wort. I assume that's what it was for.
Yes, seems to me like it does a pretty good job, and the stainless balloon whisk comes out for lobbing in the steriliser.

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