AG#73 - Revolutions Brewery Comp Entry

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Apr 13, 2009
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Revolutions Brewery Comp Entry - Revolutions Brewery in Castleford are holding a Brewing competition, the beer has to be brewed with European hops.
I've just brewed my entry, fingers crossed! I know I'll like it 'cos I've brewed something like it before :)
Their website:
The Comp announcement: ... ebrew.html

Here's the ambiguous recipe ;)

Lager Malt
Wheat Malt

'Some European Hops'

Final Volume: 23 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.046
Final Gravity: 1.011
Alcohol Content: 4.5% ABV
Total Liquor: 33 Litres
Mash Liquor: 11.3 Litres
Mash Efficiency: 75 %
Bitterness: 41 EBU
Colour: 6 EBC
Yeast: Safale us-05
Mashed at 66-67c for at least an hour.
Mash efficiency was 92.5% apparently!
Boiled for 60 minutes with hop additions along the way, 'some hops' were steeped for 20mins ;)
No photos as I did this after an early shift at work, tired head and feeling groggy! Hydrometer says I was a couple of points low but the Refractometer says I was bang on! I'll clean up tomorrow.
dunno! I have had some good ones in the past due to a badly calibrated Refractometer!! though its currently calibrated OK. :)
I'm planning to be home for 5pm malts already weighed, HLT ready to go. 60min mash and 60min boil. Who am I kidding, yes probably another late one (my achilles heal is the cooling time). I'm also having to buy another FV... things are getting serious! :party:
I could do with another bucket sometime.
Is anything happening with that Keg-connection you had for a brewery upgrade?
The keg thing has gone a bit quiet. I might send a quick email to ask if it's still a possibility. I imagine he got busy as they were moving house and having a baby. Either that or he changed his mind :(

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