Wonders never cease... I took my boiler to the shop at 9 on Tuesday morning and got a call the same afternoon to come and get it. Great service. Apparently the cause of malfunction had been the overload sensor. Might be better to take the boiler back at some point for them to have a look at the thermostat as I'm quite unable to control the boil - it's either going mad or nothing at all - no chance of a gentle simmer and this time I lost nearly 10 litres even though I did only a 80ish minute boil and had the lid partially on for all but the last 15 minutes.
Anyway, I dragged the boiler back home and started re-boiling the cold wort as soon as I got home. No off tastes as far as I could tell, so I just added 30g of bittering hops to compensate for the interrupted boil a couple of days earlier. The recipe can be found here:
recipeview.php?recipe_id=972 Played around with some of the speciality malts I had in stock just for the fun of it. Since the boil as so rapid I decided to try and make it just 75 minutes but in reality it got closer to 80 mins. Decided against dry-hopping since I may not be able to get the beer off hops when I should due to other commitments. So, I just threw in some post-boil hop at flameout and turned the chiller on.
Some pics (only a few and pretty **** at that):
how it usually starts
the mash pit
wort, you can run but not hide
more hops for the masses! (flameout)
lovely lovely
the naughty shot
Collected about 22 liters of wort at 1.052, so smack dab that one. Had made a starter beforehand and the yeast duly kicked into gear a few hours after pitching. The recipe calculator gave me the estimated FG of 1.017 but the brew had raced down to 1.014 in just two days and it's currently at 1.012. I have carefully roused the yeast a couple of times since it did no harm to my oatmeal stout. Plan on keeping this one at room temp for a couple of weeks and then cool it for a week or so before bottling. Tasted absolutely gorgeous already, with plenty of hop aroma, so hopes are high. I think I like Challenger. This was by far the most stressful of my brewdays this far due to that damn equipment failure but seems like it was worth the effort! Whoo!