AG#3 Timothy Taylor Landlord

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Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
South Northamptonshire
Mash on at 8:50 ;)
Good luck Simon, have seen several good reports of this brew.

Can't find Styrian Goldings for sale anywhere ? are you using them ? What substitute could I use for a future brew?
piddledribble said:
Can't find Styrian Goldings for sale anywhere ? are you using them ? What substitute could I use for a future brew?

Look for Bobek, which are Styrian Goldings, the Malt Miller and the Worcester Hop Shop have them.
Just measured gravity @ 1.004 quite surprised at this as this makes this just under 5% abv
Wasn't aiming for this as its a Chrimbo pressie for girls grandads !

Tasted good though ;)
Having read a bit of the yeast book I'm in two minds ;
Option 1, leave in primary and reduce temp to 12C for another week .
Option 2, transfer to secondary and reduce temp to 12 C for a week .

Next step transfer to bottling pressure barrel and let condition for 3 weeks then prime and bottle using little bottler and put 16 pints in 2 gallon pressure barrel for Chrimbo.
5%. you will have to throw it away Simon It should only be 4.2.
Shame really but life can be cruel
Your FG was a little low. Mine was a little high (1013). Perhaps we should blend them. What yeast did you use ?
piddledribble said:
5%. you will have to throw it away Simon It should only be 4.2.
Shame really but life can be cruel
Might just have to keep it all for me due to missing the 4.2 abv :thumb:
Dr Mike said:
Your FG was a little low. Mine was a little high (1013). Perhaps we should blend them. What yeast did you use ?
I used rehydrated notts yeast, suppose I could thin it out? Nah will be for Chrimbo after all! :cheers:
Ahh, mine was with S-04. Goes to show how much of a difference the yeast strain makes ( I mashed a bit hotter as well).
an update.
My poor attempt at this brew which only gave me 17 litres in the end has just about finished fermenting...FG 1.012 with s-04 yeast.
which gives me an abv of............5.4% guess I could have added a bit more water !..... :oops:

Sample tastes very good.
Sound good! my AG#3 TTL is still sat untouched in the secondary FV (1st time i've used a secondary FV).
I'm planning on decanting this into 5L polypins with only 20g of brewers sugar in each polypin.Might bottle a few for me to test in a few months.
I've bought a worthside beer engine so I'm going to try to get close to a "pub" pint, should be fun ;)

The FIL will now a get a 5L polypin with just the tap fitted so he can enjoy a pint over Chrimbo. I've shyed away from giving him bottles as He finds the beer a little too highly carbonated.

I'm going to have to test it now Brian! :drink:
there looking nice Simon, should condition well in that.

Good luck with AG#4 your Gob hoblin, I'm trying to rack mine off this weekend ( its been in primary 5 days ) I took a reading and its showing 1.012 ( 5.2%) so its probably gone as low as its going to do, another week to clean itself up before bottling.
Also hoping to bottle my Timothy Taylor on Sunday that's around 4.2%.
Good this beer making init.