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Apr 30, 2009
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Tommorrows brew is our very own Wez`s BIG KENNY :thumb:

I`m brewing the exact recipe almost:


same grain bill, same hops but I was a little short of challanger so have increased the fuggle addition - my challanger aa% was a little higher and the fuggle aa% a little lower - some amount of bobek for aroma :thumb:

the recalulated recipe has a slightly higher IBU - just over 40 so pretty much a spot on match. BIG KENNY could quite easily have been any one of my last 19 brews - so its long overdue :cheers:

Good to see Wez around again - i`m sure everyone will agree, so Wez I hope i can do the recipe proud - of course there will be a bottle in the post for you :cool:

grain all ready for 7am kick off :twisted:
and there it is :lol:

time for a few :drink:
You'll love it rick, And I have done a high hopped version too which was nice :thumb:
25 gm Magnum [10.00 %] (90 min)
25 gm Northdown [7.90 %] (90 min)
30 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00%] (15 min)
30.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (30 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep)

The grain bill cope quite well with that wasn't unbalanced even though it was in the 50 ibu's

I'd save this for your next brew of Kenny you can't not brew the original first!!!
All going to plan, mashed at 68degrees - lovely deep golden brown colour - :thumb:



lets hope my pumpkin turns out to be as big as Kenny :cool:

boil should be up to temp and first hops in before 10am :thumb:
Great brew day pics Rick.....I'm sure you'll be brewing Kenneth again, it is a really nice bitter.

Great brewday - the weather seems a lot cooler the last couple weeks so is giving me chance to restock :lol:
Brewing again next week :thumb:

BIG KENNY - 23litres @1047, a few points down so happy with that - S-O4 just pitched and KENNY tucked in for the ferment :cool:

time for a :drink:
Nice one Rick, good luck. You do realise we all have your fingerprints now dont ya... :D
Great pics, looking forward to hearing what you think of it!
Kenneth got bottled up this afternoon - 41pint bottles :thumb: Lovely colour, almost clear straight from the FV and tastes great already - I can easily see this becoming a regular brew :drink:
Cheers Wez - i`ll post you one in a couple of weeks :cool:
So Kenny has been bottled for nearly three weeks - few tasters in the last weeks of course :D

Terrific pint, the small amounts of roasted barley and choc have had more impact than i thought they would - some of my bitters would have benifited from a few grams less of darker malts as Kenny is perfectly balanced, good body and malty flavours and very nicely bittered - its more about the malt than the hops which is bang on for this style and the grain bill is something that would work well with different hop schedules :thumb:

Well i`ve a good 30 of these to sup -can`t see them making much age :lol: wez i`ll post you a bottle when I get back from hols in cornwall next week :thumb:
I lost my AG virginity to a 'Big Kenny' :rofl: a few weeks ago. I hit 1053 at 23 Litres. Keg conditioning at the mo.

Don't think mine will get much age either. Itching to start 'sampling' soon. :drink:

Done my second AG today, a paler ale for a bit of contrast.
rickthebrew said:
So Kenny has been bottled for nearly three weeks - few tasters in the last weeks of course :D

Terrific pint, the small amounts of roasted barley and choc have had more impact than i thought they would - some of my bitters would have benifited from a few grams less of darker malts as Kenny is perfectly balanced, good body and malty flavours and very nicely bittered - its more about the malt than the hops which is bang on for this style and the grain bill is something that would work well with different hop schedules :thumb:

Well i`ve a good 30 of these to sup -can`t see them making much age :lol: wez i`ll post you a bottle when I get back from hols in cornwall next week :thumb:


Glad you are enjoying it.

I spoke with one of "Big Kenny's" sons a couple of days ago and told him how well the beer brewed in his Dads name is going down and he was well pleased.

RIP Kenny

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