AG#1 American Pale Ale

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Active Member
Feb 11, 2013
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Did my first all-grain brew yesterday, mini-BIAB on my stove using a 19L pot.

Grain bill was 1.93kg Marris Otter, 380g Munich, 187g Caraamber.

Hops were all Amarillo, 5.5g for 60, 9g for 20 and 8g for 5.

Started off by heating 15L of water to strike temp, approx. 68C. Then slowly added the grain while stirring and afterwards topping up with some hot or cold to get the mash temp to 65C. Then wrapped the pot in a couple of towels and left it for 90 minutes, stirring a couple of times.

Pre boil gravity was 1.051 which is a bit high as I think I should have filled the pot to the brim for the mash. Ah well, I know for next time.

Then brought it to a boil for 90 minutes, got a bit of a better boil than I was expecting but I think for next time I need to look into some extra heating or insulation for the pot to get a better boil.

After the boil I chilled it in the bath with cold water, didn't take anywhere near as long as I thought. Post boil gravity was 1.068 and volume was about 6.5L so a lot less beer but a lot stronger. Probably a result of me not topping up the pot for the mash.

Decided to top it up to 9.5L making it about 1.046, so should end up with around 4% ABV.

Then pitched Safale S-04 yeast. Recipe asked for US-05 but I already had S-04 so I just used that instead.

Notes for next time: better thermometer. My cheap one couldn't really make up its mind so I was never 100% sure of temps. A new set of scales would also be nice so I can weigh more than 500g at a time and of course I definitely need more practice!

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