Advice on deep cleaning

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Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
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Hi all

Looking for some advice regarding doing a deep clean on my Rotokeg.
In my lazyness after a unsuccessful last brew (first time with the new keg which I had a lot of issues with the float being to buoyancy and sitting over the beer, struggling to gas, and beer going off fast because I kept taking the lid off trying to fix it!!!) I put the barrel in the garage to clean later. I didn’t clean it and now it’s 2 years later!!! 😕
I now hoping to resurrect the barrel but I can’t get the old beer smell off. Iv tried tablets and power, boiling soupy water and a pressure washer. Any tips??
The problem with many types of plastics is they're absorbant (you should see the state of my FV's after many years use). I think @Clint works with plastics so will be able to tell you a little bit more about this. You may have to chuck it an get a new one
All my fv have that beer aroma about them even after a good oxi and sanitise. I would only really consider chucking them if they got really scratched or I was getting infections. Have you tried a bleach solution?
All my fv have that beer aroma about them even after a good oxi and sanitise. I would only really consider chucking them if they got really scratched or I was getting infections. Have you tried a bleach solution?
Hi Clint

Thanks. I haven’t tried bleach yet as I was worried about lasting damage but I thinks it’s worth a go. I must have left some beer dregs in the bottom and it was pretty grim. I did pressure wash the stains off but it does smell pretty funky. And not just beerey. I was thinking about doing a cheep stout to see what happens with the smell and taste. I’ll crack out the bleach first tho 👍
One of the things I read said use bicarb.

The plastic fermenter I'm using as a boiler has started getting a bit of a stain on it and it's scratched a bit inside but I'm guessing it's fine as long as it's a dedicated boiler and I don't ferment in it. Which I will. I just know it.
One of the things I read said use bicarb.

The plastic fermenter I'm using as a boiler has started getting a bit of a stain on it and it's scratched a bit inside but I'm guessing it's fine as long as it's a dedicated boiler and I don't ferment in it. Which I will. I just know it.

Thanks maybe I’ll try bicarb before I try bleach
Hi all

Looking for some advice regarding doing a deep clean on my Rotokeg.
In my lazyness after a unsuccessful last brew (first time with the new keg which I had a lot of issues with the float being to buoyancy and sitting over the beer, struggling to gas, and beer going off fast because I kept taking the lid off trying to fix it!!!) I put the barrel in the garage to clean later. I didn’t clean it and now it’s 2 years later!!! 😕
I now hoping to resurrect the barrel but I can’t get the old beer smell off. Iv tried tablets and power, boiling soupy water and a pressure washer. Any tips??
If you do decide to chuck it please don't throw out the the top tackle. I've just ressurected my Rotokeg from 38 years ago but can't find the top assembly. I'll buy it off you.
All my fv have that beer aroma about them even after a good oxi and sanitise. I would only really consider chucking them if they got really scratched or I was getting infections. Have you tried a bleach solution?
I agree with Clint. No need to throw it away, and my first recourse would be to bleach or a chlorine-based cleaner. When you've done that, try a test brew in it. It's unlikely the beery smell will contaminate your homebrew.
Having said that, I bought a 120 blue plastic food-grade barrel a few years ago intending to use it for storage of various bags of malt not in immediate use. Unfortunately it had been used to store fresh, peeled garlic in oil. I've tried everything to get rid of the smell of garlic including using it for three months as a water and washing butt on a concreting project. To no avail. I haven't risked putting my malt in there, it's now used to keep my barbecue charcoal dry.
Probably not good for Hb buckets etc but when I was a lot younger...and did more paper round money had to be stretched out as far as it would go when buying bait,tackle etc...bait buckets were something I didn't buy but foynd, or borrowed. Sometimes they had been used for something smelly that wasn't good for your bait. My solution was to fill the bucket with garden soil...then leave it. The soil or rather the bacteria in it seemed to clean the bucket completely..a quick rinse and good to go...
Probably not good for Hb buckets etc but when I was a lot younger...and did more paper round money had to be stretched out as far as it would go when buying bait,tackle etc...bait buckets were something I didn't buy but foynd, or borrowed. Sometimes they had been used for something smelly that wasn't good for your bait. My solution was to fill the bucket with garden soil...then leave it. The soil or rather the bacteria in it seemed to clean the bucket completely..a quick rinse and good to go...

That's an interesting solution. I dont see why it might not work for an FV. I'd just half fill it with boiling water after so the water and steam sanitised it

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