Advice on cutting holes in double skinned thermo pots?

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Jan 12, 2009
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Hi all, I've made various bits from 'Nordic' pots and have cut several holes with the amazing Q-max cutters. my mash tun is a double skinned 38.5L thermobox. I'm planning on fitting exta bits to go HERMS but will need to cut through both walls neatly. I can't see how I'm going to do this with the kit I've got. Does anyone have experience or advice on doing this?

Whey, just noticed I've been promoted to a 1.060 ESB slurper!
The only way is a pilot hole through both skins, then a get a holesaw large enough that the qmax will fit through. Use the holesaw on the outside skin then the q max on the inner skin. Is the only way i have done it.
I used my dremal to cut the outer skin, taped it drew the circle then cut across the circle to get slices then cut each one off and rounded the circle.

I had real problems with work hardening the first time when I tried to use hole cutters.

Then drilled the pilot hole for the Q max cutter
Can you not drill a pilot hole for the q-max then do both sides - ie - outside first, then inside i was thinking the pilot hole would give access to the allen key which ever side you were doing and once a hole is cut the qmax would go though anyway or remove and do from other side?
I think he meant using the cutting part on the inner pot side of the inner skin, and the other half on the outer pot side of the outer skin.
Yep i did just reverse it inside to out - you already have the pilot hole through both 'skins' so it should work without having to botch it with a dremmel?? And an allen key should fit though anyway??
No it won't the cutters are designed to work with the cutter fitting just inside the die, if you try with a thermobox all you will do is crush the walls together and tear al least one wall, if not both.

the only way to do it is to create a clearance hole in the outer skin using a hole saw (or botch it with a Dremel) and then use the q max punch on the inner wall.
Ah my bad just had a look at some online they wouldnt work - too big/long to fit between the skins etc.
I have a ceramic diamond tipped hole cutter - wonder if that would work? You dont drill pilot holes with them but use a plastic-ish template hand held ??? ill dig em out and put the name of em on here they may do the job?

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