A friend has asked me to brew something for is a very old recepie and doesn't really sound my thing, but I have agreed to do it for him.
For a 40 pint batch the fermentables are given as: 1.2kg liquid malt extract, 1kg honey and 250g sugar.
I'd like first to make a 20 pint batch using 500g honey and replacing the sugar with liquid malt extract as the smallest amount I could get was 1.5kg.
I'd like to know how I can work out the amount of malt extract to use to maintain the same alcohol content.
Thanks :)
A friend has asked me to brew something for is a very old recepie and doesn't really sound my thing, but I have agreed to do it for him.
For a 40 pint batch the fermentables are given as: 1.2kg liquid malt extract, 1kg honey and 250g sugar.
I'd like first to make a 20 pint batch using 500g honey and replacing the sugar with liquid malt extract as the smallest amount I could get was 1.5kg.
I'd like to know how I can work out the amount of malt extract to use to maintain the same alcohol content.
Thanks :)