adding hops to a kit

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2010
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i really like a nice hoppy ale. i was thinking of dropping some hops in with my kit brew.

i was thinking i could drop it in at the start of fermentation but should i wait until the brew is almost finished?

any suggestions on when it would be best to add raw hops to a kit, or would anyone suggtest it is a bad idea.
Adding hops during fermentation is dry hopping, this will add a fractional amount of flavour and loads of hop aroma. You would usually add the hops after about a week of fermentation and then leave them in for 1-2 weeks. I'd suggest adding the hops in a bag, otherwise they will clog up your siphon.
If you are after more flavour you should look at adding a hop tea of some kind. I'm sure someone with more experience of doing this will fill you in on this process.
I add a hop tea to my brown ale simple really

I put about 100g of fuggles into a large cafetiere fill with boiling water and leave to steep whilst you make up the kit and add the liquid just before the yeast
I steep hops in the hot brew water I use to make kits. I tend to leave it for about 30 mins then I strain the hot hoppy water straight into the FV.

I did it with a wherry and it gave a extra hoppy aroma
hi guys was planning of trying a hop tea myself. craigtube recommends 0.5 ounce which is 14 grams? i noticed the previous poster said 100grams ? im going to hop tea my coopers real ale and have been advised to try goldings or hallertau and saaz hops for mex cerveza. any got an idea how many grams of hops? how much water will i boil in?
personal preference really. Hop tea will give a great hop flavour and some good aroma., Dry hopping will give bags of hop aroma but which will fade away quickly.

I would hop tea between 25 and 100g

and dry hop likewise. Generally the higher the alpha acid hop, the more oils for aroma too. Dont leave hops in dry for more than 1 week or you will get grassy astringentness. It is better to use fewer of a high oil content hop than lots of a lower oil hop to avoid grassyness.

Information courtesy of the brewing network :thumb: