My batch of Coopers European Lager has just finished its primary fermentation and will be transferred to my new Freecycle fridge for lagering at the weekend :)
I brewed this with more fermentables than Coopers suggest - I followed the guide by ScottM - this was 1kg sugar and 500g of LME.
The fermentation went well at 17° and took 19 days with a final SG of 1.006.
I am going to do the same kit again and was wondering that considering the extra sugar I used whether there would be any advantage to use some of the live yeast colony I have from the current batch to supplement the dried yeast supplied by Coopers. It seems such a shame to just throw it all away. If so, how much should I add ?
Many thanks
I brewed this with more fermentables than Coopers suggest - I followed the guide by ScottM - this was 1kg sugar and 500g of LME.
The fermentation went well at 17° and took 19 days with a final SG of 1.006.
I am going to do the same kit again and was wondering that considering the extra sugar I used whether there would be any advantage to use some of the live yeast colony I have from the current batch to supplement the dried yeast supplied by Coopers. It seems such a shame to just throw it all away. If so, how much should I add ?
Many thanks