adding extra sugar

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Jun 15, 2010
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the john bull cider kit says add 1kg of sugar 18l for a stout or 23l for a normal brew what would happen if i add 1.5kg to 23l would this make any difference as in will it raise the abv.
Kyral210 said:
the john bull cider kit says add 1kg of sugar 18l for a stout
Erm, what are you asking?

I think beer/cider kits come with a cover all instruction booklet. I am assuming the instructions will read along the lines of add 1kg sugar to an 18l stout kit or 1kg sugar to a 23l beer kit.

Adding extra sugar will up the abv but it will also make the brew taste a little thin and give the familiar homebrew sugar tang more prominence. If you want to get a higher ABV but get a better tasting end product I would suggest brewing short ie make a 23l kit up to 19 lts. Just my advice. :thumb:
Hmm, I would add apple juice from Tesco rather than sugar, but you will have to do some calculations to work out how much apple juice and how much water to add. My guess would be 20 litres of cider = 1 tin + 10 litres water + 10 litres apple juice.

For beer use unhopped malt extract (1 Kg dried or 1.25 Kg liquid).

For wheat beer use unhopped wheat malt extract in quanities as specified above.

50% of sugars in your beer being household sugar will be a drink made from fermented sugar. Heres a tip, go to Holland and buy an Amstel, then fly home and try one in the UK. The UK version is brewed with sugar and tastes rank. The Dutch version is all malt and tastes great! In short avoid sugar like the plague.
Using that much Apple juice you may as well just brew a TC. If they already have the kit Adding that much apple juice seems (to me ) a little bit on the expensive side (1ltr Apple juice 3 for £2.50 at Stresco so 9lts is going to cost £7.50 1kg sugar is 68p) Just my opinion. I would agree with using malt extract in place of sugar in a beer kit. If you do use sugar I would recommend using Cane sugar not Beet sugar. Just my opinion and should in no way be taken as the right thing to do just what I would do :thumb: :D

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