Adding estimated boil off liqour during the boil

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Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
South Devon
Just checking, as I'm pretty sure I'm right with what I'm saying...

I'm boiling 28 litres of wort at 1052, which is actually my target OG. I know i'm going to lose 12.5% per hour over a 90 minute boil (based on previous brews), so am I OK to add 5 litres of pre-heated water during the boil, as long as it's before 80 minutes?

I figure it's easier and less time consuming to do that rather than back liquor at the end.
Aye, I already use that - I actually used that to do this recipe; it's a really nice piece of software. What I was trying to say was - I know I'm going to have to liquor back by 5 litres, am I OK to add this during the boil, rather than after the boil? Doesn't really matter now, as I've already done it! :D
I think you're ok with what you do CJ. To get 23L, I usually start with 27L in the boiler and add 5-6L during the boil. I boil this in a pan in 2L batches before adding to the copper, so that you don't cool the wort when adding it. It work's fine for me, good luck :cheers:
I hope it's ok as I've being doing something like that for years.
Bit confused about the 80min reference, please expand?

I tend to top up my boiler just before it starts to boil but I'm not shy in topping up with a litre or two of pre boiled water if my evaporation is a bit more than planned.

Wouldn't have thought such a small difference in volume would affect the brew, the hop utilisation etc.

Anyway, great question and I'm looking forward to the replies :thumb:
Ah, the 80 minute thing was just a sort of belt and braces approach to sanitisation, just to make sure that any liqour/wort that ends up in the FV should be boiled for at least 10 minutes since that seems to be the rule of thumb. In reality, it probably doesn't matter! :hmm:

Cheers for the replies chaps :thumb: