Adding DME - how do you do it?

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Oct 10, 2012
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I have just made a yeast starter using some fresh yeast obtained from Vale brewery ( and Dried Malt Extract ready for a brew evening on Thursday. The DME was very light powder and was difficult to dissolve in the pan that I boiled up the starter liquor in. :?: Therefore are there any techniques to get the DME to dissolve easier when I add it to my boiler? :?:
mix in the dme into the water when it is luke warm it is easier , it will clump together from cold to hot but hot being the worst , i find luke warm the best and just keep mixing and by the time its boiling it will be fully dissolved .
It will always clump a bit the killer is steam, if your try to pour it out the bag into steaming water it will clump in the bag
mmaguy41 said:
It will always clump a bit the killer is steam, if your try to pour it out the bag into steaming water it will clump in the bag

True dat.

If I'm being particular I'll empty the bag into a bowl then the bowl into the pot - that way I can rinse the clumps off the bowl into the pot before they get beaten to death with the whisk...
I always used tepid water and added the dme a little at a time and whisked like all hell. Electric whisk is quite good or one of those hand held blender thingies :)
Brew day occurred today and I found the large whisk in the bosses kitchen worked at treat.
Thanks for the advice folks :hat:

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