Acetobacter in woodfordes wherry :(

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May 15, 2012
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New to the forum but thought i'd join for some advice.

I've done 5 or 6 successfull brews with no problems. I set up a 2 can kit a few months ago and it all looked like it was going well until a strong smell of vinegar came from the FV. I realised it was spoilt and reluctantly poured it away. I thought nothing of it as the kit was a cheap one as the can's had been dented or mishaped I assumed it was down to that.

Now i've just brought a woodfordes wherry (my favourite) set it up in the FV and after 5 days it stinks of vinegar and tastes just as bad! i've done a bit of looking around and realize now that the infection has most likely stayed on the FV even though it was sterilized. So my question is shall I chuck this fermentation bucket as I have another one or can this one be salvaged? I'm reluctant to throw it but I dont want to waste another beer kit on a spoilt bucket.

Hope this all makes sense :thumb:
I had the same thing last summer. I had an infected brew (Cooper's Canadian Blonde) sterilised the FV and put on a Burton Bridge summer ale which had a slightly unpleasant taste. I then thoroughly cleaned the FV with bleach & boiling water and started a Cooper's lager which had a slightly chemical taste, probably just down to not rinsing thoroughly enough.

I then bought a new FV as it's cheaper than wasting another kit ;)
If it is acetobacter then you will have loads of vinegar for pickled onions. 5 days seems a bit quick for acetobacter, it has obviously got some infection I would chuck it and either buy a new fermenter or sterilize the sh*t out of it. I reuse my fermenters and I have had to chuck 3 brews in 2 years of brewing.
Thank's for the reply's!

Its so frustrating as I haven't brewed for a few months and it was a birthday present.

I have another FV that hasn't been infected so I guess I'll give that one a good clean and sanatize and start again when I have the money too. Luckily I have a little batch of TC on the go to drown my sorrows with :cheers:
Also my paddle spoon hydrometer and themometer have come into contact with the beer/barrell, shall i do a long soak in bleach and sanatsing soloution??

Thanks :thumb:
It won;t hurt them to give them all a long soak (followed by a good rinse), plus also make sure work surfaces are clean as well and don't put the nearly cleaned/ sterilised instruments down on an unclean surface! A tip in one of the How To Guides is to rinse off the lid of the FV first, then you can place all other cleaned items on there.

Good luck and keep at it :)
Thanks a lot i have a 2 can kit at my mums so i'm gunna super sanatise everything and crack on with it

cheers guys :drunk:
Sorry to bump this thread again, have a few more questions and didnt want to start a new one.

I sanatise everything in my bath, so if I have had a acetobacter infection I assume my bath will be infected as well? Shall i use some disinfectant spray or regular kithchen/bathroom cleaner and scrub my bath?

Thank's for the help, just dont want to lose any more brews to this infection :cry:
if you sanitized in your bath then it will be sanitized as well until the next time you have a bath or shower, but as soon as you use it again for sanitizing it will be sanitized. :thumb:
Thank's for clearing that up mate. Just started a "no name" 2 can kit I got cheap off the net, looks like gravy to be honest but i just want to try brewing something cheap in my FV to see if it's good to go with a more expensive kit :D

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