a strange one

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Active Member
Aug 23, 2010
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hi all, not posted in a while.

ive brewed about 8 kits now, just trying different brands to see which we prefer but theres a slight problem, its giving me headaches, i only have to have one bottle and i get a really bad headache and when i occasionally drop some off at my dads its making him feel asif hes binged on sugary sweets and giving him a rush.

obviously this has to be down to the sugar but is it the initial kilo in the batch or the teaspoon of priming sugar that could be giving this side affect? would it benefit me trying carbonating tablets?

would be a shame to have to stop doing it as ive spent a packet on equipment and i do enjoy it as a `wind down` activity.

thanks in advance
Can you describe your usual brewing timescale please, because I would guess at bottling too soon / drinking too young.
sure, left in the fermenting bin for atleast 10 days, bottled and left in room temp for 2 weeks atleast then out in the shed for a further 2 weeks then in the fridge as and when to be drank.

il admit its been bottled for 10 days yesterday and i had one to test. so maybe its down to it being to young?
It is usually fusel alcohols and acetelhyde that give you a headache, You are probably fermenting at too high a temperature.

Try to get the room your fermenting in at around a constant 16-17deg and try to pitch your yeast at around 15-16deg C wort temperature, also try to add a little yeast nutrient, and beat the hell out of the wort with a large spoon for 5-10mins before pitching your yeast and see if the effect and finished beer are better.


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