Mi Amigos
As you can gather I have been fantasisng about my new brewspace. I am trying to work out the most ergonomic way to cascade the liquid from a permanent HLT Into the MT and then the boiler and onto the FV all through the use of Gravity alone. The downside to this is that with 100L boiler and an 80 L thermobox MT this is one helluva tall Waterfall. and the thought of lifting an 80L thermobox full of wet grain makes my back creak
While pondering the use of a valentive arm I had a realisation that by using such a decice to Batch sparge . I may be able to reduce the height of the waterfall.
My thinking is this. If your grain bed is say 1 foot deep in the MT and you want the Valentine arm to maintain 1 inch of Sparge liquid above the level of the grain bed. you simply adjust the "neck" of the arm to that height.
As you run Liquor into the MT it washes through the grainbed and out into the valentine arm up the arm and over the neck to tumble into the Boiler taking the sugars etc with it as wort. That bit is fiarly std thinking.
My thinking is that this means the top of the boiler needs to be only a few inches below the neck of the Valentine arm. And if that is teh case the boiler needs only a few inches lower than the MT.
So By building a standard cascade I would have the Boiler 500mm ish below the MT. Using a valentine arm I should be able to reduce this step to say 150Mm. Making the whole thing that bit lower and easier to handle.
Can someone check my thinking please
As you can gather I have been fantasisng about my new brewspace. I am trying to work out the most ergonomic way to cascade the liquid from a permanent HLT Into the MT and then the boiler and onto the FV all through the use of Gravity alone. The downside to this is that with 100L boiler and an 80 L thermobox MT this is one helluva tall Waterfall. and the thought of lifting an 80L thermobox full of wet grain makes my back creak
While pondering the use of a valentive arm I had a realisation that by using such a decice to Batch sparge . I may be able to reduce the height of the waterfall.
My thinking is this. If your grain bed is say 1 foot deep in the MT and you want the Valentine arm to maintain 1 inch of Sparge liquid above the level of the grain bed. you simply adjust the "neck" of the arm to that height.
As you run Liquor into the MT it washes through the grainbed and out into the valentine arm up the arm and over the neck to tumble into the Boiler taking the sugars etc with it as wort. That bit is fiarly std thinking.
My thinking is that this means the top of the boiler needs to be only a few inches below the neck of the Valentine arm. And if that is teh case the boiler needs only a few inches lower than the MT.
So By building a standard cascade I would have the Boiler 500mm ish below the MT. Using a valentine arm I should be able to reduce this step to say 150Mm. Making the whole thing that bit lower and easier to handle.
Can someone check my thinking please