A bit concerned

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Senior Member
Mar 15, 2013
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Hi guys, well I got my first brew underway on Sunday and by Monday night it was bubbling
Away quite happily. So much so that because I have to keep it in the bedroom the noise was driving me mad, so last night I thought I'd try changing the airlock for the top hat variety having read that these are quieter.
However since doing that I have not had a single bubble. Have I done something to knacker my first brew or is it something simple and I'm just to thick to notice?
Any ideas great fully received.
Don't worry, just leave it alone for at least another week and take a hydrometer reading. It's pretty common for airlock bubbling to die down after a couple of days, and you probably released some CO2 when you switched airlocks.

It'll be fine :)
bunkerbrewer said:
Don't worry, just leave it alone for at least another week and take a hydrometer reading. It's pretty common for airlock bubbling to die down after a couple of days, and you probably released some CO2 when you switched airlocks.

It'll be fine :)

It could be this or maybe the replacement airlock just isn't sealed properly so the co2 is escaping from around it. Either way leave it alone and it'll be fine. :thumb:
Thanks for the advice guys. It's a hambleton bard bitter that was included in the kit by the way. :cheers: