5 Ltr Kegs

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2011
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Saw these at my local brew shop and thought I would try a couple to save on all tripping over all the bottles in my apartment.

Just wondered if anyone has any experience with these and has any pointers.

I assume it is the same procedure as bottling whereby I would add the calculated amount of sugar or Coopers Carbonation drops (approx. 15 I guess).
Fill it, plug it and shake it up a bit, then leave to condition for you desired amount of time.

How much of an air gap in the top should I leave and any other critical info I should be aware of?
If you are using those kegs for a primary fermentation, You should have an air lock.

If you are using these as a final storage, and are just adding a tad of sugar to make it fizz, nevermind.
I use them, leave about an inch airgap and add 40g sugar then leave in a warm ish place for a week or so to carbonate the chill to drink.
I have one thats been sat in normal temps for over 6 weeks now. :cheers:
Yeah I am using for storage. I didn't see anything in the instructions about shaking it though (as you would when bottling). Is this also necessary?
Runwell-Steve said:
I'm not sure why you would shake it up a bit, but then I'm not sure why you would shake up a bottle after bottling either.

To get the priming sugar to dissolve??
I learned the home brew process from Craig off youtube, but seeing I use Cooper Carbonation drops I guess shaking is pointless as opposed to helping dissolve sugar in a powder form.