5 Litre demijohns from water bottles

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Active Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Does anyone know if it is safe to use 5L water bottles as demijohns or will the alcohol leach out any chemicals in the plastic?
Thanks, texteditor.
They are perfectly safe many of us use them :thumb:
Use the search facility above and you'll find a few threads on it ;)
I started using them thinking they would be a cheap option, but dont recommend them, when you liftf them they suck in air as they're not ridgid which isnt good. Brought a few glass after
I agree with comments already made, they are cheap and can be quite useful for initial fermentation, but remove or loosen the airlock before you lift them by the handle or you could get suck-back. I only use them up to first racking, then my wines go into glass.

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