3 months on from Hot Break

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Well done Ade, I got summoned to the docs surgery a coupl eof months ago as I was 'nearing a certain age' . . ( Why can't they just say "You're an old git!!" ) . . . for a Height weight Blood Pressure, Blood test check up. . . . . Well I failed that one :evil:

While I knew I had put on a bit of weight (11st at 5'8") . . I was not expecting to be 12 st 6 . . or to have a Cholesterol level of NINE!!!! . . . So I went on a low cholesterol diet . . . . (Great until my daughter found out "Your a Fat B*st*rd!!" ) . . . and I'm now 11 st 6 . . . I'm due another check for cholesterol soon . . . should be fun.

Must try exercising as well . . . I'd like to be 10 st 7lb . . . with less of a 'bulge' at the front . . . I mean I can suck it in with the best of them, but I'd rather not have too.

Still it appears you've inspired a few of us to shed a few pounds
I'm going to do something positive after Xmas as I think I'm slowly expanding. Just haven't decided what Xmas. :roll:
Aleman said:
Still it appears you've inspired a few of us to shed a few pounds
Well I'm not setting out on a mission to preach to the forum about weight loss, but it can't be too difficult if I can do it. It doesn't really require willpower, which is just as well since I don't have any. I tried to quit the rolling weed last New Year - now that was tough and I only made it to the middle of April but I will try again.

Regarding diet, I've better than halved my alcohol consumption and I took the first month off completely. I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't really miss it, and inspired as the first stone fell off quite rapidly. I've cut down on bread and cheese and cut out nuts and nibbles. I'll still have a sausage sandwich (my favourite food in the whole world) but maybe only once a fortnight. I'm actually eating better than I did before, because I'm having breakfast every day when I regularly skipped that, I'm just eating more fruit and veggies but less junk.

Anyway, it's my fortnightly weigh-in today and pay-up time for Ann.

Keep it up Rob :thumb:

Incidentally, last weekend we bought a 17.5kg sack of wild bird seed. That was a fair old lump to carry from the shop to the car park (only about 200 yards), and then I worked out that's almost exactly what I've lost off my belly and have been carrying all day every day for quite some time!
well done to you all.... :clap:
so how is it all going..?

im lucky im a skinny git at around 10st,
i eat reasonable food in average portions ,and have a cycle once or twice a week to keep a bit fit... :thumb:
:wha: I thought this topic had drifted into the mists of obscurity 5 months ago.

Well I lost the two stone I set out to, plus a few pounds more but put those few back on over Christmas and have kept them. Holding steady now and staying in a 34 regular trouser (down from a 36 stretch).

Others are doing well too, see here.
You started me on the right road Ade. I am 20Lbs lighter since the start of the year.
Looking at all the great food for ST 2013, I might just put a few back on. :-?
I fell at the first hurdle...got busy at work, no time to eat properly, still at 17stone. Kids are back at school now so I have no excuses. No booze during week, cut down on bread, exercise every day
Dronfieldbrewer said:
I fell at the first hurdle...got busy at work, no time to eat properly, still at 17stone. Kids are back at school now so I have no excuses. No booze during week, cut down on bread, exercise every day

That looks easy when you see it written down like that Rob. Hope it goes well.
I decided at new year to kose some weight havnt a clue what my weight was dont bother with weighing mysekf just cut out crap and take aways had a nice surprise the weekend I bought some new jeans and have dropped 2 waist sizes from 42 to 38 not been under the 40 waist fir years im dead chuffed
nice 1 Eddy , i'm not exactly a big fellow (nearly 6ft though) but last year my belly was ... well ... bigger than usual (beer etc) and well a chap at work said to me '' F==king hell mate , yar mrs been ironing ya top with a wok '' lol so i just stopped drinking as much , from 2 beers a night down to around 1 every other day plus weekend drinking and just didn't eat that extra slice of cake etc . Now belly almost flat again.
I was expecting some long term experiment about removing the hot break from the kettle.

Well done anyway.
The HOT BREAK was an awesome weekend!!
Not heard from Pitsy for many moons but Moley was in touch a while back;)