So here we go again, you know the drill, apples being gathered, about 5 sacks so far. I reckon there's one more sack on the trees and then that's it, so it will be about half of last year's bumper haul - 60 litres if I am lucky.
News from the year
- we have been here for 15 years, but this year brambles have suddenly started to over run the old apple trees. Digging them out is very laborious, and I think it has affected this years yield
- because there's a bit, less, and I have been busy, i will do it all in one press this year - scheduled for Sunday.
- last years brewing (see 2022 thread) confirmed that secondary is well worth it so I will do all my cider that way this year - moving to secondary around November and bottling in spring.
- I will do one 10 litre carbuoy without yeast ("Au Naturel" - credit to Freester (who sadly seems to have disappeared) after this went wrong last year - i think i must have put camden in the juice by mistake and it didnt ferment in 3 months. I added yeast after that time and it is broadly drinkable, albeit not great.
20230910_135338 by MattH3764, on Flickr
20230910_135330 by MattH3764, on Flickr
News from the year
- we have been here for 15 years, but this year brambles have suddenly started to over run the old apple trees. Digging them out is very laborious, and I think it has affected this years yield
- because there's a bit, less, and I have been busy, i will do it all in one press this year - scheduled for Sunday.
- last years brewing (see 2022 thread) confirmed that secondary is well worth it so I will do all my cider that way this year - moving to secondary around November and bottling in spring.
- I will do one 10 litre carbuoy without yeast ("Au Naturel" - credit to Freester (who sadly seems to have disappeared) after this went wrong last year - i think i must have put camden in the juice by mistake and it didnt ferment in 3 months. I added yeast after that time and it is broadly drinkable, albeit not great.