2 days in FV, astringent, could it be spoiled?

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Mar 2, 2013
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Impatient as I am, I sampled from the racking port, euurgh, it smells pretty awful and tasted astringent, no sweetness, gravity 1.034 from 1.050, is it too early to tell or is it likely to be spoiled?

I had problems at the beginning of the mash and the temp fluctuated widely for the first 30-45 mins until I got it under control, it went as high as 72c early on, it could be a sanitisation issue but not had probs with any of my kit brews so far.

So many variables, but I think its a gonner or am I being too impatient and 2 days in is not long enough to tell for sure?
Far too early to tell. You're tasting all sorts of half formed fermentation products not to mention the live yeast.

I've seen it said on here that you should never write off a brew until you've kept it six months!
If this turns out to be normal, then it will have been an interesting taste test, I haven't tasted a brew this early in the game before.