1st Brew

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Active Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I have just registered on here a few days ago and have a good look round the site and there is a wealth of information on here. As this is going to be my first go at brewing I think I'm going to go with a kit to start with.

I can see that if its AG brewing you need a lot of stuff but am I right in assuming that with a kit you need less and if so what would be the basics?

Thanks for any advice.


Sponge :cheers:
adrianmole72 said:
I posted pics of the process on here:


Hi Stephen,

Ive had a look at your pictures and they look very good. It good to see a step by step guide. I have zero brewing equipment so your photos have given me an idea of what I need to get.


Thanks for the link, being a thrifty Scotsman the fact it's £5 cheaper makes it more appealing :D There is a shop near me that sells some brewing stuff but I'm not sure to what extent but that gives me a good place to start with prices etc.


Sponge said:
I'm more of a Scapa Special :thumb: man myself its made by the Swannay Brewery

Ooh, don't know that one - gonna have a look for that one..

Just looked - you can get it Newcastle ! Im up there regularly, so will try to nip over for a swift half :D

unclepumble said:
craigite is in your area ORKNEY so might be able to help, he is fully fledged AG though.

Yes, i've seen some his pictures and I'm along way from that level. Going to try the local shop tomorrow and see what they say.
Hi and welcome. :clap:

I use the local shop as much as possible, however he is limited to what he can stock as it does not have that long a shelf life.
I order most of my ingredients online as a big order to get free postage.
All my plastic fermentation buckets I have bought local.

Any questions, just ask. One of my pals brews kits.
I started on kits and they are very good.

If you want to discuss All Grain brewing just let me know. :thumb:
hey sponge

get into it, beer is such a good hobby.

i am about to start my 3rd kit. my first brew was ok, reasonably quaffable. i have a few pints left but they wont last the day, the lads are coming over to watch wales v NZ. my second brew is bottled. early tests suggest it will be better than the first brew

i used a cheep kit, youngs definitve bitter, about 8quid, for both brews but i used brown sugar and malt extract in the tub and brown sugar in the bottle with the second brew.

for my 3rd brew i am going to use the same cheepo kit and try a very bitter sugar, mollassas or muscavado.

for brew 4 i will use a slightly more expensive kit and see if there is much difference.

its fun experimenting, and gathering results means drinking beer.

such a good hobby.