17P water....

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Sep 16, 2012
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I recently used some 'value water' (think its Tesco everyday value) to make a brew of beer. And i have another 10bottles waiting in the sidelines as i have a 30bottle kit of wine raring to go!

However... i was speaking to someone who said 'how can you use that?... its not sterile only filtered. it was on the news a while ago....'

Off to Google i went. They are at least half right! It is just filtered water. But surely its sterile? Any ideas.

Really don't want the 40pints of Woodfordes Nog to go off, and also don't want to have to boil and cool 20odd liters of water for the wine! (hence why i thought the 17pence water was a good idea!)

any ideas to whether its ok to use?

Is it sold for drinking ? has it been kept with lid sealed if so its safe to brew with. Its tap water filtered, why not use the water out of your own cold water tap Youve already paid for that.
If in any doubt you can drop a crushed campden tablet in each 5 litre bottle if you want and let it stand 24 hours
it's probably fine but not beneficial. like piddle says campden is a good route in the future. you only need 1/2 tab per brew though! drop about 1/8th tablet into each, not one tablet in each :p
It was for a beer kit that i used it - so it was only a small amount (3l?) that was actually boiled water - the rest was boiled and cooled water.
For the first beer kit i did i spent a whole evening boiling water and keeping it in an extra fermentation bin overnight till it has cooled down to 20degrees! I figured that spending £1.70 on water was probably cheaper than the amount of gas (and time!) to boil 20liters of water!
If you can drink it then it's fine for wine, beer, or whatever you want to do with it. If it's filtered it won't have chlorine so no need to use campden. Apply HB rule Number 1. Don't Worry. :thumb: I personally use tap water and don't bother boiling it. For beer I add a campden to 30 lt to get rid of chlorine, but for wine it goes in straight out of the tap. Not had a problem to date.
Saw on another thread somewhere that there are many more nasties swimming around a bottle of water compared to tap water due to the chlorine, but for brewing not saving the chlorine is its biggest benefit!
I am drinking my third brew using this water. They've come out fine. And i think pouring into the fv from 2 litre bottles is easier that trying to fill/pour a jug from a tap!
kentmark said:
And i think pouring into the fv from 2 litre bottles is easier that trying to fill/pour a jug from a tap!

I bought one of those old style shower attachments that fit straight onto the tap using a rubber sleave with a pipe on the end around 1mt long.
This goes in the FV at the begining for steriliseing, then i rinse the FV with it and add the brewing water upto the required level.
No mess or hastle, it cost me around £3 from one of the bargain shops so about a cheap as a jug ;)