12v Solar Pump

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Active Member
Oct 12, 2012
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Hey guys so im looking into a pump for my system and I'm liking the look of the solar pump. I have come across a chinese version at a much cheaper price.

Should I stop being a cheap git and get the solar pump or is there much of a difference between the chinese one?

Cheers again in advance as always
I'm not sure however I bought a cheaper one off ebay which cost me just over £13 and its now packed in after only four brews using my HERMS setup so not particularly impressed. Think I'll be paying the extra second time round as those on here who have bought the solar pump have not had any problems...
If you bought a solar one give the guy a call/email. He fixed mine - stuck impelller - for free. I wasn't cleaning it thougherly enough at a 10min recycle in boiled water. (I posted it to him, he checked/fixed it and I had it back in about 4 days)
He also sent me a replacement O ring after I broke mine removing grain from the unit. (Again free)
Given the service I have had from him. vs what I have had from Chinese sellers I would buy from him again even at higher cost.
Thanks for the advice. It does seem frim reading this post and a few others that the service everyone gets fron the solar projects guy is superb
Cyclops said:
i think mine is the stuck impeller as it is hard to turn, soaking in some boiling water and washing up liquid at the moment
If that doens't fix it ,try leaving it in a pan of boiling water ON for a while that should free it up, from what he told me he had done to mine. They are 100% submermersable (apart from the power connection end).

The difference may only be in the service, but if it fails after a few brews re-buying an other is more expensive. Mine had failed after a year + but he said no probs - now that is sevice you just can't buy.
Just an update that with some good advice from Orlando I have now got my pump working again...soaked it in hot soapy water for about and hour (with the front panel removed)...I then screwed it back up and plugged it in and it worked first time. Just recirculating hot soapy water as we speak with it to give it a good clean out. Its recommended to run the pump after use with wort for at least half an hour with hot water to clean out any gunk/suggary goo which may block up the pump (I did not do this however will be doing so from now on!) :thumb:
I also got mine working again but was a bit more complicated, had to strip it completly down and found the inside cone that hold the shaft and magnet was slight warped, i presume this is from me recirculating boiling wort for about 20 mins, lol. Out came the wet and dry and dremel and it is back to working again :)
always run oxy through it with boiling water after brewday, also fit a 1/2 strainer before worth enters will stop it getting cloggd.
I have one of the 20/20 solar pumps from solarprojects.co.uk *and* one of the cheaper tan pumps from BuyInCoins. They are not identical but look fairly similar on the outside. The 20/20 is the 14W model so it has a bit more oomph for going uphill but other than that I haven't noticed too much difference in performance so far. I use the cheap one for water and the good one for wort.

I've heard that some of the black ebay pumps don't have encapsulated magnets which I think is a real drawback.

I've asked a couple of questions of Peter at solarproject.co.uk he is very helpful.
Those ones do sound the better option, the one I have is working again but not sure for how much longer? The solar ones are a bit more pricey but you do get what you pay for afterall! :lol:

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