1020 blues

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2012
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hi brewers, i have had a coopers irish stout brewed with 250g of treacle and 250g brown sugar and 500g of dark dme in my fv at a steady 20c for ten days now, have taken a hydro reading for the last 3 days and its stuck at the 1020 mark, i have tried most things on the stuck brew thread but to no avail...any help would be great as this was going to be my first pressure barrel brew...thanks
Have you tested your hydrometer in water to see if its working ok? Other than a stir and placed beside a radiator ,dont know what else to do, maybe some more experienced brewers may chip in. Good luck mate, hope it gets sorted :thumb:
i thought hydro as well luckilly i have 2 and both read the same...dam!
God man, dont do that yet, wait for more help. What was your first gravity reading at start of brew ?
1038-1040 at the start, i was reading it in the wort with a bit of froth on
Thats a low start reading. A longer stir, til your arm is sore would help in future. If i were you, id give it a violent stir without oxidising , and keep it well heated, see if it takes off, nothing to loose :thumb:
billy994 said:
do you think that could be it, something that simple? :oops:
In the coopers instructions, it dosent tell you to mix the kit and added sugars well with the boiling water at the start of the brew. They tell you to mix well after the cold water is added. You should mix well both times :thumb:
i think i will do a bit of crazy stirring then, like you say nothing to lose really, if that fails then its had decision time :hmm:
Give it a stir and make sure to stir up the lees but don't splash though as this will oxidise the brew.

Check the temp, if it is under 20C then try and raise it by putting it in a bath.

Failing at pitch more yeast. Get a packet of Nottingham yeast from LHBS and rehydrate as instructed then add some of the wort to the yeast and leave for a few hours then added some more and leave again the. You should be ok to pitch it into the wort. This is to get the yeast used to te alcohol levels in the wort and make sure that it is fermenting.

Whatever you do don't chuck it as it is a waste of potently good beer.
alanywiseman said:
Give it a stir and make sure to stir up the lees but don't splash though as this will oxidise the brew.

Check the temp, if it is under 20C then try and raise it by putting it in a bath.

Failing at pitch more yeast. Get a packet of Nottingham yeast from LHBS and rehydrate as instructed then add some of the wort to the yeast and leave for a few hours then added some more and leave again the. You should be ok to pitch it into the wort. This is to get the yeast used to te alcohol levels in the wort and make sure that it is fermenting.

Whatever you do don't chuck it as it is a waste of potently good beer.

+1 for that

In fact I'd heavily recommend chucking the kit yeast in the bin, buy some Safale 04 for the next Ale, or get a stout specific yeast (if you intend brewing it again) from Brewlabs, Wyeast or Whitelabs etc

S04 is like a monster, Brewlabs is similar - not used the latter two

Get a degassing paddle (or a paint stirrer) and use it to vigourously aerate your wort with an attached drill. I do it for a minute before pitching the rehydrated and already active yeast.
Coopers are a 1 can kit. I made one a couple of years ago with beer enhancer and it came out great. Have you tasted the wort? Is it still overly sweet. If I recall it fermented quite quickly even though I left it for at least 10 days. Given that you didn't add just sugars into the brew you may well have fermented completely with whats there and the kit yeast. Do as said above but give it a taste as well. Don't even think of chucking it. This beer improves with time, and tasted better in the bottle than a keg. After 6 months it was great.

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