
The Homebrew Forum

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  1. AngelHomebrew.

    ANGEL HOMEBREW - 10% Discount Code - Big Savings on The Big Stuff

    Hi Use DISCOUNT code BIG10 at checkout to enjoy a fantastic 10% OFF on our most sought-after BIG items: 💥35L Brewzillas V4/35L Brewzilla Bundle 💥Kegland Series X Plus Kegerator Base Unit 💥Benchy Carbon 💥Benchy Glycol 💥Cannular Compact Semi-Auto Canning Machine 💥IceMaster G40.1 💥IceMaster G20...
  2. U

    Equipment For Sale SMEG fridge kegerator (SMEGerator)

    I built a SMEG kegerator a couple of years ago and tbh, haven't used it much. Built to the same spec as the one in the video below. To a degree, it's unfinished but it's finished enough to be used. I just never tidied tubes etc. So to a small degree, it's an unfinished project, depending what...
  3. Zero94

    Kegerator Beer Lines, How Long Should They Be?

    Evening all, So I have finally gotten round to building myself a 2 keg kegerator, now I have been doing some reading and looking at these online line length calculator and it's confused me to no end. I see some calculators telling me I need 3m of 3/16'' line at 11psi and others saying I need to...
  4. AngelHomebrew.

    ANGEL HOMEBREW - Some Black Friday Deals

    ** B L A C K - F R I D A Y - D E A L S ** Hi Some BLACK FRIDAY deals While stocks last, some products are low on stock Regards Paul Angel Homebrew
  5. insomniac

    DIY Garage Kegerator Build

    Hey all, I've been lurking in these forums since I got into homebrewing again (Tried it 7yrs ago with minimal effort and gave up too easy after some not so good batches in my bucket kit). This time I've really been doing my research, reading & watching plenty of vids. I've got a Fermzilla 27L...
  6. G

    Newcastle-upon-Tyne /North East England gas cylinders

    Hi all, I can't get a hold of a gas cylinder at all. Those that do usually sell them are only doing refills no new purchases. I did have a contact who said he could get me one but he's been unreliable up to now. Do any brewers in Newcastle-upon-Tyne or the North East have any spare I could buy...
  7. 109159944_10108856869898553_2096906272233927289_o.jpg


    My 4-tap kegerator and hop freezer.
  8. Get_Er_Brewed

    Kegerator Series X 4 Tap

    Hi We unloaded another load of these earlier today and updated the website: The last load didn't hang about long, contact us for a details on shipping, best way to ship is via the pallet network Thanks Jonathan
  9. Cyberjip

    Kegorator or Keezer

    Hi, I know there is a fair bit of discussion about theese, I have read a lot of it but still can't make up my mind. So all my fittings have turned up and despite scouring the internet and local shops I can't seem to find a second hand fridge or freezer that satisfies what I want. Starting...
  10. kodak79

    Mouldy kegerator

    Since fitting the 2nd tap on the front of my beer fridge I am no longer opening the fridge door that often (previously using a party tap on the 2nd keg). Following this I have found that the inside of the fridge and the exterior of my cornies are covered in mould spores. Any tips on how I can...
  11. Ghillie

    Tall Fridge Kegerator

    Have been on the hunt for a tall fridge that will hold four kegs for a while now, and it is proving surprisingly difficult... A little bit of background, I don't want to build a keezer unless I absolutely have to. My reasons for this: 1. Keezer will have a larger footprint in my garage and I'm...
  12. Ghillie

    BOC CO2

    Hello everyone, Would like to know if anyone has the 3.15kg CO2 cylinder from BOC? I plan on (hopefully) finding an undercounter fridge than can hold two 19L cornies and the CO2 cylinder. Does anyone...
  13. Ghillie

    Kegerator - 2 Tap Tower Recommendations

    Hello guys, As the title suggests, I'm looking for recommendations on what tower to fit on my kegerator build? I notice that there are a lot for £100+, but I would appreciate getting my hands on one that's little less pricey. On another (but applicable) note - how does everyone rate Keg...
  14. S

    Heineken David kegerator can this be converted for corny keg use

    Buying a Heineken/morreti David beer kegerator and was wondering if anyone has converted it for corny keg use ?